Regulating trade measurements in the sugar industry: Have your say

The National Measurement Institute is seeking feedback on regulating the use of Near Infrared (NIR) instruments in the sugar industry.

The National Measurement Institute (NMI) is seeking feedback from stakeholders in the sugar industry on a proposed regulatory approach for Near Infrared (NIR) instruments. NIR instruments are an innovative alternative to the traditional trade measuring instruments, and are used by the industry for quality measurements.

The request for input opens today and closes 24 May 2019.

Visit our Consultation Hub to download the consultation paper and have your say.

We encourage industry, government and community stakeholders to give feedback to ensure we consider a wide range of needs and interests.

The information we gather will help us develop a regulatory framework that will cover the use of NIR instruments. Better regulation of trade measures is also expected to promote innovation and growth in the sugar industry.

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