Supporting the industry-led and cost-effective construction of a gas pipeline.
Gas fields need pipelines to supply the gas to customers in key markets. The Australian and Queensland Governments will analyse the outcomes from earlier work and outcomes from further gas field appraisal activities. From this, they will determine the merits of potential new pipeline infrastructure connecting the North Bowen and Galilee basins. They will also look at any potential role for governments in supporting their development.
At a high level, this examination may consider options to connect:
- North Bowen gas to customers in the local region and more broadly across the eastern states
- central and north Queensland gas customers to the east coast gas market
- the Galilee gas projects to markets, in particular through the Wallumbilla Gas Supply Hub.
A gas pipeline of sufficient capacity to service all gas producers would ensure the most efficient costs of construction and subsequent transport tariffs. This would enhance development prospects in the basins and deliver lowest cost gas to consumers.
“The single piece of infrastructure we need the most is a pipeline. Once I have a pipeline I’d develop the reserves”. - CEO, Resources Company
“There are big dividends from appropriate common-use infrastructure, which services both Bowen and Galilee basins”. - Executive Director, Queensland Government
Any further decisions and outcomes from the work with the Queensland Government will align with recommendations from the National Gas Infrastructure Plan, and the Future Gas Infrastructure Investment Framework, announced in the 2021 Budget.