Data-driven advice to support the department’s strategic priorities.

Our Data Strategy outlines how we will continue to build our capabilities and resources as a data-driven organisation.

By the end of 2024, we will have advanced data activity in the department. All our work will be underpinned by a robust evidence base to support a strong, modern and resilient economy for all Australians.

Introduction to the strategy

Message from the Secretary

The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources plays a vital role driving economic and productivity growth, and job creation, for all Australians.

Strategy at a glance

We are a data-driven organisation. We use data effectively to support the development of a strong, modern and resilient economy for all Australians.

Our priorities

Capability and culture

From data literacy to data fluency


Optimise our data governance and management


Best-practice, fit-for-purpose analytics

Location-based insights

Enable greater use of location data

Next steps

Our blueprint for change

This page lists out our current state, major actions: 2021–2024 and future state (2024 and beyond).

Measuring our success

This page provides the outcomes achieved from the 2018–2020 Data Strategy and the targets for 2021–2024.