Measuring our success

Priority 1: Capability and Culture

Measure Outcome from Data Strategy 2018–2020 Target for Data Strategy 2021–2024
Self-reported data capability – the percentage of employees who report strong confidence in using data to support their daily work 45% 55%
Formal data training uptake – the proportion of DISER employees who completed one or more formal data training courses 21% 25%
Formal data training effectiveness – proportional improvement in self-reported data capability following formal data training 100% (from 3.6 to 7.2 on a 10 point scale) 125%
Awareness of importance of data – the percentage of employees who consider data to be important in their role  Not applicable under Data Strategy 2018–2020 New activity under Data Strategy 2021–2024
Use of e-learning materials – views of Power BI training videos as a proportion of employees 17% 60%
Power BI bootcamp – the number of times annually Power BI bootcamp training is offered 1 3

Priority 2: Governance

Measure Outcome from Data Strategy 2018–2020 Target for Data Strategy 2021–2024
Dataset quality assurance – proportion of flagship datasets in Dataset Register that have been quality assured and incorporate comprehensive metadata Not applicable under Data Strategy 2018–2020 New activity under Data Strategy 2021–2024
Accessibility of internal data sources – the percentage of employees who know how to access internal data sources 59% 70%
Capability to use external data sources – the percentage of employees who know how to access external data sources 77% 85%
Confidence in internal data quality – the percentage of employees who agree that the internal data they access on a regular basis is of high quality 40% 50%
Confidence in internal data collection – the percentage of employees who agree that the collection of data across the department is effective 62% 70%
Leadership awareness of key data governance resources – the percentage of SES respondents who are aware of the Data Governance Framework and Dataset Register  15% 50%

Priority 3: Analytics

Measure Outcome from Data Strategy 2018–2020 Target for Data Strategy 2021–2024
Use of analytical reporting platform – proportion of employees who are active Power BI users 30% 35%
Creation of analytical and visualisation contents – the total number of Power BI reports and apps created 1381 reports and 100 apps 2000 reports and 150 apps
Active participation in analytics communities – the total number of participants in Data Analytics Guild 122 160
Self-reported team analytical capability – the percentage of employees who feel confident their work area has sufficient skills and resources to analyse data effectively 33% 40%
Self-reported level of analytical maturity – proportion of employees who report their work area is undertaking predictive analysis 11% 20%
Dataset automation - number of datasets where automation is built in to collation and/or analysis Not applicable under Data Strategy 2018–2020 New activity under Data Strategy 2021–2024

Priority 4: Location-based insights

Measure Outcome from Data Strategy 2018–2020 Target for Data Strategy 2021–2024
Awareness of importance of location data – the percentage of employees who consider location data to be important in their role  Not applicable under Data Strategy 2018–2020 New activity under Data Strategy 2021–2024
Self-reported team location data capability – the percentage of employees who report their area has at least moderate capability to undertake location data analysis and visualisation 23% 30%
Complex location data support – the total number of requests received annually from line areas for complex location data support provided by Data Policy Branch 40 50
Location data tool availability – the percentage of employees who report they have the necessary tools to perform location data analysis activities relevant to their role Not applicable under Data Strategy 2018–2020 New activity under Data Strategy 2021–2024
Automated address validation and geocoding – the proportion of program and administrative areas reporting automated address validation and geocoding at the first point of data collection Not applicable under Data Strategy 2018–2020 New activity under Data Strategy 2021–2024
Specialist location resources – the number of ongoing specialist location resources 10 18


  1. Where possible, these measures are baselined against information collected in the Data Strategy 2018-20 review report, Data Use and Capability Survey (2020), Division Head Survey (2020), APS census results and other relevant internal surveys and resources from across the department. 
  2. Baselines and targets for new measures will be established in the annual Data Use and Capability Survey (2021) and other relevant surveys and resources from across the department. 
  3. Where possible, performance will be measured at a divisional level across the department.