Major Projects Facilitation Agency

The Major Projects Facilitation Agency (MPFA) provides information and help with regulatory approvals for major projects in Australia.

What we do

The MPFA is the Australian Government entry point for assisting developers of projects over $20 million.

We help by:

  • providing information on Australian Government regulations and approvals
  • mapping critical approval pathways and processes
  • communicating with regulators, including raising issues with regulatory approval processes.

MPFA fact sheets

We have fact sheets to help you understand approvals and other obligations. These summarise Australian Government regulations that commonly apply to major projects.

Major project status

Major projects with a capital investment of over $50 million that are facing complex regulatory challenges may be eligible to apply for major project status.    

The minister makes the decision to award a project with major project status. These are projects of national significance through their contribution to:

  • strategic priorities 
  • economic growth
  • employment 
  • regional Australia.

We provide additional support to these projects, including coordinating with state and territory facilitation offices to assist project developers with navigating state and territory government approvals.

We also help eligible project developers apply for major project status.

Who we work with

The MPFA works closely with Australian Government regulators and state and territory governments to identify regulatory approval requirements.

We also help businesses with major projects through:

Latest news

Major Projects Facilitation Agency

New projects will be a stable source of critical minerals for Australia

Three new projects have received Major Project Status and will help produce critical minerals needed for green energy manufacturing.
Core samples Credit: Chalice Mining Ltd
Major Projects Facilitation Agency

Three new projects to expand Australia’s green energy potential

Cape Hardy Green Hydrogen Project, Gippsland Dawn Offshore Wind Project and Gonneville Critical Minerals Project align with Australia’s net zero goals.

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