The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.


AusIndustry provides a connection between small and medium size business and government.

Who we are

AusIndustry has been a valuable hub for business for over 25 years. We work with businesses every day, nurturing partnerships and networks, and providing information and connections.

We aim to help Australian businesses be productive, innovative and sustainable.

Our key activities include:

  • helping businesses navigate local, state and commonwealth government support
  • generating business insights to inform and improve policy and programs across government
  • administering programs and services our department delivers.

Business support services

Business outreach

AusIndustry’s network of Regional Managers across the country are connected to regions, communities and industries. They provide local business connections and impartial, trusted guidance tailored to businesses.

Single business service

The whole-of-government website and contact centre provides continual support, connecting businesses with information from across all levels of government.

Business insights for policy makers

We offer timely, place-based business intelligence on local conditions and the impact of government policies and programs on the ground.

These insights can inform policy and program delivery by: 

  • sharing business experiences in near real-time, including during natural disasters, supply chain disruptions and other business continuity events
  • illustrating data trends with compelling real-life examples
  • sharing what businesses have already told us on particular topics, reducing duplicate efforts.

Business support

We administer a key program for our department to grow innovative and competitive businesses, industries and regions.

Industry Growth Program

This program provides advice and grant funding for innovative small to medium enterprises and startups to commercialise their ideas and grow their businesses.

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