Attract, develop and retain people

We’ll ensure our workforce is diverse, skilled, high-performing and reflects the communities we serve.

Our people’s experience will align to our values, purpose, and future organisational needs.

We need to consider how the changing and flexible workforce is accessing new labour markets and adapt our thinking in our recruitment practices to match.

Being an employer of choice ensures we can attract the right people with the right skills to meet our organisational priorities.

We’ll foster a culture that attracts and retains adaptable and agile people who can help us navigate a substantial reform and change agenda.

Focus areas


We’ll invest in our people by understanding, recognising and developing our core competencies, behaviours, critical and specialist skills. We’ll forecast the skills we need and support our people to develop and reach their potential. We will maintain a strong focus on building manager capability and confidence in a complex people management environment. 

Employer of choice

Being an employer of choice will help us have the right people with the right skills, at the right place and time. We’ll continue to attract the most skilled and diverse people we can to build the best workforce possible to meet our organisational priorities. Our processes to attract people, in a faster and more agile way, means we can better respond to business needs. 

Talent and leadership

We’ll help our managers and leaders to develop the skills and knowledge needed to perform at their best in their current and future roles. We’ll continue to invest in our graduate and employment programs to build participant confidence. This will result in their ability to make their best contribution to the department, the Australian Government and broader community.


Mobility in the public sector is one of the effective ways we serve the Australian community. It also offers our people opportunities to expand their skills and networks and leads to higher engagement and retention.

Outcomes and actions

We have a highly skilled workforce.

  • Develop and implement a capability framework.

We have a values-based attraction strategy.

  • Review and ensure the department’s employee value proposition aligns with the Australian Public Service (APS) strategy and promote it across the employee lifecyle.

Our recruitment processes are clear and attract the diversity and talent we seek.

  • Streamline recruitment processed, introducing tools to decrease the time to recruit.
  • Develop a department specific induction program.

We promote excellence and high performance and encourage regular feedback.

  • Support productive and ongoing performance conversations through training, policies, and processes.