Prime Minister’s Prize for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledge Systems

Do you know an inspirational person, team, or community group that practices and preserves Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge systems?

They could be the inaugural winner of a new prize in Australia’s most prestigious and highly regarded science awards. This year, the Prime Minister’s Prize for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledge Systems will be awarded for the first time. 

Professor Bradley Moggridge smiles at the camera and says – “Yaama”. He is standing in the bush with a pond/billabong behind him. He is wearing a navy shirt that says ‘Kamilaroi’ and beige pants.

His title appears at the bottom centre of the screen – Professor Bradley Moggridge (PhD), Kamilaroi Scientist, University of Technology, Sydney. The text is maroon and in capitals with a gold background. There are 2 images of suns to the right and the Prime Minister’s Prize for Science logo to the left.

Professor Moggridge says to the camera - My name's Brad Moggridge. I'm a Kamilaroi man and also a scientist.

[The screen zooms closer to Professor Moggridge’s face and he says to the camera] - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge systems are very complex, [he looks up while placing his left hand on a tree trunk] but they are important to us as it connects us to place. [Image changes to the sky with treetops].

[Image changes to the base of a tree with water running down]. Professor Moggridge says - It connects us to language, our stories, [image changes to him kneeling and moving his right hand in the water of a pond/billabong] our dances, our artwork, [image changes to Prof. Moggridge standing in the bush speaking to the camera] and it's our way of knowing, being and doing. Connects us to our methodologies, in a science context. The PM's Prize for Science is one of the greatest prizes in the land for a scientist.

[Professor Moggridge walks over a creek on stepping stones with ferns behind him] And I think to nominate those, those amazing people that are doing work on country [image changes to Prof. Moggridge moving his right hand through a green native stringy plant] and using knowledge systems [image changes to a lizard lying on a branch, it’s head turns to the left] that have thousands of years of connection to place [image moves to Prof. Moggridge speaking to the camera in the bush] that should be celebrated. Now's the time to think about nominating someone that is Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, that is a community, that is an individual, doing amazing projects on Country using knowledge systems.

Music plays [Image changes to a gold background on the right and maroon on the left with some sun designs and straight lines with illuminated dots at the end of each line. These words appear in maroon text ] – The Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science 2025 [in capitals, the Australian Government logo and Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science logo appear to the left].

[This text appears underneath] Nominate now for the Prime Minister’s Prize for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledge Systems

[This text appears underneath]

[This text appears underneath] #PMPrizes [music stops]

 The $250,000 prize will be awarded to an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander-led project that:

  • benefits Australian Indigenous peoples, communities and place 
  • contribute to solving a significant challenge through the practice and preservation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge systems
  • demonstrates sincere connection and respectful engagement with community and Australian Indigenous peoples
  • elevates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge systems. 

Nominees must be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person, team or community group. 

Winners of this prize will become important role models who can inspire other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and all Australians.

If you know a person, team, or community group that deserves this prize, get nominating today!

Nominate a person, team or community group now on

Read the prize guidelines and complete the nomination form. Applications close 18 March 2025 at 5 pm AEDT.