Professor Tony Haymet smiles at the camera and says – I’m very happy to share with you that nominations for the new category in the Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science are now open.
His title appears at the bottom centre of the screen - Professor Tony Haymet (PhD, FTSE) Australia’s Chief Scientist. The text is maroon and in capitals with a gold background. There are 2 images of suns to the right and the Prime Minister’s Prize for Science medallion to the left.
[The screen zooms closer to Professor Haymet’s face and he says to camera] - The Prime Minister’s Prize for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledge Systems recognises the contribution of Australian Indigenous peoples’ knowledge systems to science and the nation.
[The screen zooms further from Professor Haymet’s face and he says to camera] - As a marine scientist, I’ve long been a fan of Indigenous aquaculture systems. There’s some important science and engineering there that we can all learn from.
Images changes to a gold background on the right and maroon on the left with some sun designs and straight lines with illuminated dots at the end of each line. These words appear in gold and maroon text – the Prime Minister’s Prize for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledge Systems. Professor Haymet is not shown and starts speaking - And so I’m pleased to see a category for Australia’s Indigenous knowledge systems added to our nation’s preeminent science prizes.
Information graphic pop up on screen in maroon text. Professor Haymet continues to speak while pop up appears.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander-led project that:
- benefits Australian Indigenous peoples, communities or place
- contributes to solving a significant challenge through the practice and preservation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge systems
- demonstrates sincere connection and respectful engagement with community and Australian Indigenous peoples
- elevates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge systems.
The maroon and gold background phases out to show Professor Haymet on screen. [Professor Haymet looks at the camera and stays to the camera] - You can nominate an individual, team or community group for this prize.
[The screen zooms closer to show Professor Haymet’s face and he says to camera] - This $250,000 prize will be awarded for the first time this year.
[The screen zooms out to show Professor Haymet’s face and he says to camera] - You have until 18th of March to nominate – and I encourage you to get nominating today.
Music plays [Image changes to a gold background on the right and maroon on the left with some sun designs and straight lines with illuminated dots at the end of each line. These words appear in maroon text] – The Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science 2025 [in capitals, the Australian Government logo and Prime Minister’s Prize for Science medallion appear to the left].
[This text appears underneath] Nominate now. Nominations close 18 March 2025
[This text appears underneath]
[This text appears underneath] #PMPrizes [music stops]