Australian Business Licensing and Information Service

Learn about the features and benefits of the Australian Business Licensing and Information Service.

The Australian Business Licence and Information Service (ABLIS) provides information to new and existing businesses about the licences they need to start, run and grow.

All three levels of government contribute information about their requirements, making ABLIS a single source for businesses to find information on:

  • licences
  • registrations
  • council approvals
  • codes of practice
  • fees.


  • Guided search provides business operators with information to start, grow, or close their business.
  • Custom search helps business operators find a specific form or service directly if they already know what they are looking for.
  • State and territory governments or third party business advisory services can use ABLIS data to develop  Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The APIs can provide a seamless end-to-end experience within your jurisdiction’s existing user interface.
  • Streamlined question and answer process helps businesses get the information they need specific to their business and circumstance.
  • Information is accessible to users of all ability levels and available on any device.

Benefits for government

  • A streamlined, modern and reliable service that reduces costs to government agencies.
  • Increased business intelligence for government stakeholders and interested parties. They can use this data to inform policy development, continuous service improvement and provide an enhanced user experience.

Benefits for business

  • Reduced time and effort for businesses and operators to access and understand compliance requirements across all tiers of government.
  • A complete list of location and industry specific compliance information available in one place.
  • Compliance information will be more widely available, as more government and private sector service providers integrate ABLIS information into their products.

Business capability

  • We work with you to ensure the services are accessible, user-centric, and mobile device friendly.
  • We can provide advice on how to structure your content and ensure your business finds the most relevant information it needs.

Our services

ABLIS provides three levels of services to state and local government jurisdictions. Your agency can access one or more of these options:

  • You can add a  link to ABLIS from your  government website.
  • Your agency can pull data from the ABLIS database into your own website using  any API made publicly available under the Australian Government’s Open Data policy.
  • Collaborate with us to develop an API and create a solution that best supports your requirements.

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