One area is in the Perth Basin, offshore western Australia.

Maps and shapefiles

Maps show the release areas in bathymetric detail. They also include other permit locations, known petroleum accumulations and wells. Shapefiles show the areas in vector format for geographic information system (GIS) software. Field outlines are from GPinfo, a Petrosys Pty Ltd product. They are accurate as at 29 August 2023.

View the high-resolution release area map [1.5MB JPG]

View the map legend [81KB JPG]

Download shapefiles of all acreage release areas [58KB ZIP]

Block diagrams

Block diagrams show the coordinates of release area boundaries. 

See all block diagrams for this basin [68KB PNG]

Block listings

Block listings provide graticular block numbers and 1:1,000,000 map sheet references that identify each release area.

See all block listings for this basin [87KB PDF] [30KB DOCX] 

Important information for applicants

You must read the Australian Government gazette notice inviting applications for a release area before submitting your work-bid application.

See key information when planning your bid.

Find out how to file your application

Ensure you submit your work-bid application to NOPTA by 4 pm Tuesday 28 November 2023.

About these files

If you experience any difficulty accessing this information, please contact us.