The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

How we wrote the strategy

The government developed the Future Gas Strategy Analytical Report to provide the data for the Future Gas Strategy. When writing the strategy, we also consulted with domestic and international stakeholders. 

As part of the consultation, the department received almost 300 written submissions and met individually with more than 50 stakeholders. The department engaged with representatives from:

  • industry groups
  • unions
  • academic institutions
  • household and business advocacy groups
  • environmental advocacy groups
  • gas producers
  • foreign governments
  • gas retailers
  • transmission networks
  • First Nations peoples
  • land holders impacted by gas developments.

Written submissions that the department received consent to publish are available on the Department of Industry, Science and Resources website.

The feedback from consultation, and the conversations that have followed, highlight the complex role that gas plays in households, businesses, electricity generation, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, both in Australia and for our trade partners. This feedback shows the uncertainty stakeholders have around emerging technology for industrial applications of gas, such as high-heat minerals processing and carbon capture, use and storage. It shows uncertainty about natural gas alternatives and their pathways to commercialisation. It also shows that stakeholders have concerns about greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental impact of gas.

The Future Gas Strategy Analytical Report is an essential companion to this document. It provides in‑depth analysis of relevant data about gas supply and consumption both in Australia and, where relevant, by our trading partners. The analytical report uses International Energy Agency (IEA) and Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) scenarios. These scenarios are well known and tested, and reflect policy decisions and intentions both globally and in Australia. Read more information about these scenarios in Appendix A.