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Joint declaration of intent between Australia and Germany on a critical minerals value chain feasibility study

Date published:
6 April 2023

Australia and Germany signed a joint Declaration of Intent to work together to develop critical minerals value chains.

The joint study will create new opportunities for critical minerals projects that support Australia and Germany to reach net zero commitments.

Read the full declaration below.

Joint declaration of intent on an Australian-German value chain feasibility study between the Department Of Industry, Science And Resources of Australia and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of the Federal Republic of Germany

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources of Australia and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of the Federal Republic of Germany (thereafter together “Sides” or singular “Side”) emphasise the shared values and close relationship between Australia and the Federal Republic of Germany. The Sides acknowledge the importance and opportunity of building diverse, resilient and sustainable critical minerals value chains. In doing so, the Sides share the opinion that Australia should obtain significant potential in upstream resources activities, including extraction, refinement and recycling, and that the Federal Republic of Germany should obtain equal potential and experiences in production, recycling and manufacturing activities.

The Sides have thus come to the following understanding:

The Sides intend to utilise the aforementioned strengths to jointly undertake research on critical minerals value chains (thereafter “study”), in order to further their respective climate, energy and strategic ambitions.

This study will focus on:

  1. Key raw and processed critical minerals products most crucial to the industrial needs of the Federal Republic of Germany
  2. The most significant or commercially prospective geological resources and projects within Australia which can contribute to these value chains
  3. The companies working to develop these resources, and relevant aspects of their projects
  4. The most significant and commercially promising mining, refining and recycling projects and operations in Australia for the expansion of and new AUS-GER value chains
  5. Sustainable approaches to these projects, also building on the use of green energy and the application of high environment, social and governance (ESG) standards
  6. German and Australian firms participating, or seeking to participate in these value chains, both in terms of current and proposed capabilities
  7. Priority areas where German and Australian projects could connect to relevant supply chains
  8. Barriers or obstacles to establishing and growing value chains, and potential actions by or role of the Sides’ governments and industry to help overcome these.

The Sides intend to jointly fund future projects which arise from this partnership. Both Sides intend for activities under this Joint Declaration of Intent to be conducted in accordance with their respective domestic laws and regulations.

The Sides will regularly exchange information on progress of this Joint Declaration of Intent.

This Joint Declaration of Intent is not intended to constitute a treaty, nor to create rights or obligations for a Side under international law. This Joint Declaration of Intent will come into effect on the date of signature by both Sides. It may be amended at any time by mutual written consent of both Sides. Each Side may end cooperation under this Joint Declaration of Intent in writing with a notice period of six (6) months.

Signed on the 6th of April of 2023 in Perth in duplicate in the German and English languages, both texts being equivalent.