Measurement Law Review

Date published:
8 November 2023


We reviewed Australia’s measurement legislation between 2017 and 2021. The legislation supports significant economic and social outcomes and gives confidence in measurement across the economy. 

Reforming the legislation will allow Australia to keep pace with its trading partners and maintain its international and regional commitments.

Review aims

The purpose of the Australian measurement framework review was to modernise, streamline or simplify the legislation. 

The review aimed to create an updated, flexible legislation that better meets Australian Government, industry and the public’s needs now and into the future.

The review had 4 aims:

  • develop and advance measurement activities supporting Australia and its economy
  • strengthen strategic measurement capabilities
  • support domestic and international confidence in measurement
  • promote innovation through a modern approach to measurement infrastructure.


The Measurement Law Review (MLR) consulted with users of the measurement system to create reform options to give to the government.

Consultation feedback summary

Read the summary for a balanced overview of feedback across all of our discussion papers.