National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority: 2015 operational review

Date published:
1 September 2015

The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) regulates offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas activities in Commonwealth waters.

An independent panel of experts reviewed operations in 2015, with support from consultants Noetic Solutions. It was the first review under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 since the establishment of NOPSEMA in January 2012.

The review considered NOPSEMA’s effectiveness in improving occupational health and safety, environmental management and well integrity. It was tabled in both Houses of Parliament on 16 September 2015.

The Government considered and accepted 15 of the review panel’s recommendations, noted 1, and supported the conclusion that NOPSEMA is an effective regulator. The Government Response was tabled in both Houses of Parliament on 2 December 2015.




The panel consulted with the offshore petroleum sector, governments, community groups, representative unions and other stakeholders. The panel received written submissions from 23 organisations (10 agreed to publication of their submissions).