The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

The Premises Standards help ensure people with disability have equal access to public buildings.

We review the Premises Standards every 5 years to:

  • check they are achieving their objectives
  • identify ways to improve them.

As part of the 2021 review, we consulted over 500 people, including:

  • people with disability
  • other stakeholders in the disability sector
  • building professionals
  • employers
  • people in all levels of government.

The review identified 4 actions the Australian Government can take to ensure the Premises Standards keep meeting their objectives. These actions will:

  • improve regulations for accessible carparks, automatic doors and the dimensions of openings
  • help people understand their rights and responsibilities under the standards
  • improve the data available for future reviews
  • increase consistency between the Premises Standards and other disability standards.


Explore the digital publication

Read the digital version of the Premises Standards Review.


Definitions of terms used in the Premises Standards Review 2021.

Message from the minister

An introduction to the Premises Standards Review from Senator the Hon Jonno Duniam, Assistant Minister for Industry Development


Review at a glance

Highlights of the review, including our recommendations


About the Premises Standards and our previous review

About the 2021 review

How we engaged with stakeholders

What we found

Key themes emerging from the review

What our stakeholders told us

Opportunities for action

How the government can improve the Premises Standards

International approaches

Lessons from other countries


Appendix A: Documents referenced by the Premises Standards

Australian standards and other documents referred to in the Access Code of the Premises Standards.

Appendix B: Second-phase consultations activities list

Details of our consultations with stakeholders


References for the Premises Standards Review 2021