The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Building and construction

We aim to ensure Australia's building and plumbing industries are safe, accessible and sustainable.

State and territory governments regulate building and construction activities in Australia.

The Australian Government collaborates with state and territory governments to promote nationally consistent regulations through the National Construction Code (NCC).

We do this through the Building Ministers’ Meeting and the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB).

Building Ministers’ Meeting

The Building Ministers' Meeting (BMM) oversees policy issues affecting Australia’s building and construction industries.

The BMM brings together Australian Government and state and territory government ministers responsible for building and construction. The Australian Government minister responsible for the building industry chairs the BMM.

The BMM works to:

  • harmonise building regulations and standards
  • collaborate on compliance and enforcement.

It sets the strategic direction for the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). The ABCB is a multi-jurisdictional standards writing body. It oversees development of the National Construction Code (NCC).

Read more about these roles and responsibilities in the Intergovernmental Agreement on the ABCB website.

Read more about how we promote collaborative building and construction policy.

Contact us


Post: BMM Team, GPO Box 2013, CANBERRA ACT 2601

Restoring confidence in the building industry

We work through the BMM to restore confidence in Australian building and construction standards.

We do this by:

  • mitigating the public safety risks of industry non‑compliance
  • addressing systemic problems in the industry consistently and in a timely way
  • considering national priority reforms for states and territories to implement.

Building confidence: Building Ministers’ Forum expert assessment

The BMM’s predecessor, the Building Ministers’ Forum, commissioned an expert assessment of Australia’s building and construction regulatory systems.

Building confidence report: implementation plan

The Building Ministers’ Forum developed a roadmap to implement the recommendations of the expert assessment and restore community confidence.

Building Confidence Report Implementation team

The ABCB established the Building Confidence Report Implementation team to oversee responses to the recommendations in consultation with industry and governments.

Ensuring building safety and quality

States and territories adopt and enforce the NCC. The NCC contains minimum building, plumbing and construction requirements for:

  • safety and health
  • amenity and accessibility
  • sustainability.

Each jurisdiction regulates:

  • licensing building practitioners
  • certifying buildings
  • enforcing building regulations
  • identifying non-compliant building products.

Propose changes to the NCC

Find out how to submit a proposal for change on the ABCB website.

Improving building access for people with disability

The Premises Standards specify how public buildings must provide access for people living with disability. State and territory governments adopt the Premises Standards into their building codes. 

We review the Premises Standards every 5 years.

Premises Standards

The Premises Standards ensure that new buildings, or new work on old buildings, provide the right levels of access for people with disability.

Advice for builders, building owners and tenants

Builders or workers in the building industry wanting to know how regulations and reforms will impact them should contact their state or territory regulator.

Tenants renting apartments can raise concerns about building defects or issues with their landlord.

Apartment owners can raise concerns with their body corporate or owners' corporation. Other property owners can contact the consumer protection agency or building regulator in the property’s state or territory.

Responding to building inquiries

We provide input and respond to parliamentary inquiries related to building and construction.

Senate inquiry into non-conforming building products

The government’s response to the Senate Economics References Committee’s final report.

Senate inquiry into the use of smoke alarms

The government’s response to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee’s inquiry report.

Building and construction news

Budget 2025-26 logo

Announcing the 2025–26 March Budget

The 2025–26 Budget includes measures to secure Australian industry, science and resources.
New residential house being constructed from concrete blocks.

Joint Statement from the Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council and Building Ministers’ Meeting 23 August 2024

The Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council (ECMC) and Building Minister’s Meeting (BMM) held a joint meeting on 23 August 2024.
Timber frames of a new house being constructed

Building Ministers’ Meeting: Communiqué June 2024

Commonwealth, state, and territory Building Ministers met today to confirm their commitment to climate resilience and discuss measures to assist the transition to net zero in the built…
Photo of Earth from space showing Australia with swirling atmosphere

Net zero sector plans for industry, resources and the built environment

We are developing plans to help major sectors transition to a net zero economy. These will support the Australian Government’s Net Zero Plan.
Cranes in Sydney constructing new high rise buildings

Building Ministers’ Meeting: Communiqué March 2024

Building Ministers made three significant decisions during the March session of the Building Ministers Meeting.

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