Commodity group

Certain Hollow Structural Sections exported from The Kingdom of Thailand

The Anti-Dumping Review Panel has received applications from Sahathai Steel Pipe Public Company Limited (Sahathai), Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited (Pacific Pipe) and Commercial Metals Pty Ltd (CMC) under the Customs Act 1901 for a review of a decision by the Parliamentary Secretary to the former Minister for Industry and Science to publish a dumping duty notice in respect of certain Hollow Structural Sections exported from The Kingdom of Thailand (the Reviewable Decision).

Hollow Structural Sections Containing other alloys exported from the People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea and Malaysia

The Anti-Dumping Review Panel (ADRP) received applications from Atpac Group Pty Ltd,GP Marketing International Pty Ltd, Steelforce Trading Pty Ltd, Steelforce Australia Pty Ltd and Dalian Steelforce Hi-Tech Co Ltd (collectively "Steelforce"), Austube Mills Pty Ltd (Administrator appointed)for a review of a decision by the Assistant Minister for Science and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science (the Parliamentary Secretary) to publish a notice under s 269ZDBH(1) of the Customs Act 1901 (the Reviewable Decision).The Reviewable Decision was published

Certain Hollow Structural Sections exported from India and the United Arab Emirates

The Anti-Dumping Review Panel has accepted an application from Austube Mills Pty Ltd (ATM) for a review of the decision by the Commissioner of the Anti-Dumping Commission (the Commissioner) to terminate an anti-dumping investigation in respect of Certain Hollow Structural Sections exported to Australia from India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (the Reviewable Decision).

The Reviewable Decision was published on the Anti-Dumping Commission (ADC) website on 25 July 2016.

Hollow Structural Sections Exported from Malaysia by Alpine Manufacturing SND BHD Company

The Anti-Dumping Review Panel ("ADRP") has received an application for review of the decision of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, made on 22 June 2017 to publish a notice under subsection 269ZDB(1) of the Customs Act 1901("the Act") following a review of anti-dumping measures applying to Hollow Structural Sections Exported to Australia from Malaysia by Alpine Manufacturing SND BHD Company ('Reviewable Decision').

Notice of the Reviewable Decision was published on 26 June 2017 on the Anti-Dumping Commission's website.

Hollow Structural Sections Exported from the People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Malaysia and Taiwan

The Anti-Dumping Review Panel ("ADRP") has received applications for review of the decision of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, made on 21 June 2017 to publish a notice under subsection 269ZHG(1)(b) of the Customs Act 1901 ("the Act") following a review regarding the continuation of anti-dumping measures on Hollow Structural Sections Exported from the People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Malaysia and Taiwan ('Reviewable Decision').

Certain Hollow Structural Sections exported from the Kingdom of Thailand

The Anti-Dumping Review Panel (ADRP) has received an application for review of the decision of the Assistant Minister for Science, Jobs and Innovation/Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Jobs and Innovation (Parliamentary Secretary) under subsection 269ZDB(1)(a)(iii) of the Customs Act 1901 (the Act) to vary the variable factors in respect of the dumping duty notice applying to Certain Hollow Structural Sections exported from the Kingdom of Thailand (Reviewable Decision).