Resealable Can End Closures exported from India, Malaysia, the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Singapore

The Anti-Dumping Review Panel has accepted an application from Marpac Pty Ltd (Marpac) for a review of the decision by the Commissioner of the Anti-Dumping Commission (the Commissioner) to terminate an anti-dumping investigation in respect of Resealable Can End Closures (the goods) exported to Australia from India (the Reviewable Decision).

The Reviewable Decision was published on the Anti-Dumping Commission (ADC) website on 17 February 2017.

Resealable Can End Closures Exported from Malaysia, the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Singapore

The Anti-Dumping Review Panel ("ADRP") has received applications for review of the decision of the Assistant Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science made on 20 March 2017 to impose dumping duties on the export of resealable can end closures (referred to as tagger, ring and foil (TRF) ends) from Malaysia, the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Singapore ("Reviewable Decision").

Applications were received from the following within the required time: