The goods, being the subject of the application (the goods) are: 


Hot-rolled deformed steel reinforcing bar, commonly identified as rebar or debar, in various diameters up to and including 50 millimetres, containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process.

Further information: 

The goods include all steel reinforcing bar meeting the above description regardless of the particular grade, alloy content, coating or length. 



Pineapple, prepared or preserved in containers not exceeding one litre (consumer pineapple) in various forms, including (but not limited to) chunks, pieces, pizza cut, sliced, thick sliced, tidbits and crushed pineapple. The goods are packaged with liquid added. 

Further information on the goods, including exclusions, can be found in ADN below.

622 & 623 & 624 & 625

The goods the subject of the application (the goods) are:

Uncoated white paper of a type used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, in the nominal basis weight range of 70 to 100 gsm [grams per square metre] and cut to sheets of metric size A4 (210mm x 297mm) (also commonly referred to as cut sheet paper, copy paper, office paper or laser paper). 


The goods the subject of the application (the goods) are:

Uncoated white paper of a type used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, in the nominal basis weight range of 70 to 100 gsm (grams per square metre) and cut to sheets of metric size A4 (210mm x 297mm) (also commonly referred to as cut sheet paper, copy paper, office paper or laser paper).


The goods the subject of the application (the goods) are:

Uncoated white paper of a type used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, in the nominal basis weight range of 67 to 100 gsm (grams per square metre) and cut to sheets of metric size A4 (210mm x 297mm) (also commonly referred to as cut sheet paper, copy paper, office paper or laser paper).

Further information on the goods can be found in ADN below.

Case information


The goods the subject of the application (the goods) are:

Clear float glass (CFG) in nominal thicknesses of 3 to 12 millimetres (mm).

The tolerances for each of these thicknesses are set out in the following table.

Nominal thickness (mm) Acceptable tolerances (mm)
Minimum Maximum





