You can apply for a job through our online recruitment system.
Our standard selection process usually consists of an:
- application
- interview
- referee check.
Some processes may use other assessment methods to help decide if you are suitable.
Find out if you are eligible
To apply, you must:
- be an Australian citizen
- be willing to undergo a pre-employment suitability assessment and complete a health declaration form before starting
- successfully gain and maintain a security clearance at the required level (if required)
- be outside the exclusion period if you accepted a voluntary Australian Public Service (APS) redundancy (to apply for an ongoing position).
You may also need to meet other eligibility requirements specific to the role. We will outline these in the job advertisement.
We can withdraw your employment offer if you fail to meet all pre-employment checks.
Get support to apply
We can provide equipment and other practical support when you apply for a job with us. Please contact us if you are having difficulty using the online recruitment system.
We participate in the Australian Public Service (APS) RecruitAbility Scheme. The scheme gives people with disability a better opportunity to put forward their skills and experience during the selection process.
If you have disability you can opt into the RecruitAbility scheme. You will need to demonstrate in your application that you meet the minimum requirements for the position.
Prepare your application
Your application should be brief and align to the job description and application requirements. You may be selected based solely on your written application and referee reports.
We recommend you use the STAR model to demonstrate your capabilities using a clear example:
- Situation: set the context by describing the circumstance where you used the skills or qualities and gained the experience.
- Task: what was your role?
- Actions: what did you do and how did you do it?
- Results: what did you achieve? What was the end result and how does it relate to the job you are applying for?
Submit your application
Follow the links from the current vacancies page to our online recruitment system.
- Your email address will be your user ID and you will get a prompt to choose a password. Your email address is our primary method to contact you.
- You will need to fill in your personal details. This information will be used for future applications and can be updated any time.
- You must provide the contact details for 2 referees. One of these must be your current or most recent manager. If there are sensitivities around contacting your referees, you can ask to be advised before we contact your referees.
- You can login and change your incomplete application up until the closing time. If your application is incomplete, you will receive a reminder email before the job closes. Please review your responses carefully as you can’t edit your application once submitted.
You must submit your application before the closing date and time. We may not accept late applications.
If you have trouble with the online system contact us.
Updating your details
You can update your contact details at any time by logging into your profile in the online recruitment system.
Withdrawing an application
You can withdraw your application at any time through the online recruitment system.
How we assess applications
We base all recruitment selection and employment decisions on merit to get the best person for the job. We assess applications on the basis of suitability for the classification as well as the role.
When we assess your application, we may:
- hold interviews
- use work sample testing (written or practical)
- use other assessment tools.
Reasonable adjustments
We can provide equipment or support to help you attend an interview or complete an assessment task.
To assist you, we may provide:
- additional time to complete assessments
- an interpreter
- accessible computer hardware and software.
Call the contact officer for the position to discuss what options may be available.
You will be contacted if you are selected for interview.
We will make every reasonable attempt to schedule interviews at times that will work for you. These interviews may be conducted face-to-face or via video conference. If you are not available for an interview within a reasonable timeframe, the selection process may continue without the opportunity to assess you.
Referee reports
We may contact at least one referee to confirm information about your skills and capabilities. This can be done at any stage during the selection process.
You can request to be given notes on these discussions and any written reports.
Work sample tests
We sometimes use work sample tests to test practical approaches to tasks. For example, an email inbox task might be used to select an executive assistant, or a brief writing exercise to select a policy officer.
Other assessment methods
We may use other assessment tools to determine if you are suitable for a particular role such as specific games or assessments. We will advise you of the outcome.
Find out if you were successful
We will generally contact successful applicants by phone. We will also let applicants know if they were unsuccessful.
For feedback, get in touch with the contact officer once the process is finalised.