653 - Ceiling steel framing members from China

The goods the subject of the application (the goods) are:

Ceiling steel framing members, metallic coated, whether or not containing alloys, with a height of up to and including 45 millimetres, a width (face) up to and including 60mm, of a base metal thickness of up to and including 0.65 millimetres of varying steel grades.

Further information

A ceiling steel framing member is a horizontal structural member used to support ceiling linings or other internal ceiling systems. Further worked from either zinc coated (galvanised) steel or aluminium zinc coated steel as the raw material (including all variants thereof, for example whether or not containing magnesium or other alloys), ceiling steel framing members are installed perpendicular to the ceiling joists or rafters and are fixed into place using screws or other fasteners. Ceiling steel framing members come in various sizes and profiles depending on the specific requirements of the ceiling system and the load it needs to support. The goods provide a framework onto which ceiling materials such as plasterboard, gypsum board, or metal panels can be attached. Trade or common/generic names and terminology often used to describe the subject goods include, but are not limited to: 

  • steel ceiling battens; 
  • steel furring channels; and 
  • steel top hats. 


Excluded from the application are the direct fix clips used to install ceiling steel framing members. Excluded also are ceiling steel framing members made from stainless steel.

The goods are generally, but not exclusively, classified to the following tariff subheadings of Schedule 3 to the Customs Tariff Act 1995:[1]

Tariff Subheading Statistical Code
7216.61.00 57
7216.69.00 58
7216.91.00 59
7308.90.00 52
7308.90.00 53
7308.90.00 55
7308.90.00 56

Further information on the goods, including exclusions, can be found in ADN below.

[1] These tariff classifications and statistical codes may include goods that are both subject and not subject to the measures. The listing of these tariff classifications and statistical codes are for convenience or reference only and do not form part of the goods description. Please refer to the goods description for authoritative detail regarding goods subject to the measures.

Case information
Applicant Rondo Building Services Pty Ltd Tariff Classification

7216.61.00 (statistical code 57) 

7216.69.00 (statistical code 58)

7216.91.00 (statistical code 59)

7308.90.00(statistical codes 52,53,55 and 56)

Investigation Period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 Injury Examination Period From 1 July 2020
Contacts for this investigation

Case Manager: TBA

Tel: +61 2 6213 6000
E: investigations@adcommission.gov.au

Mailing address: Director, Investigations
Anti-Dumping Commission
GPO Box 2013
Canberra ACT 2601
Key Dates
Initiation Date 28 August 2024 Initial submissions due 4 October 2024
PAD* earliest date Day 60 after initiation  
Proposals to modify the proposed MCC structure due no later than 4 October 2024
SEF** no later than 30 May 2025 SEF submissions due 20 days after publication of SEF
Final recommendation due no later than 14 July 2025 Minister's decision expected Within 30 days of receiving the recommendation

*PAD - Preliminary affirmative determination

**SEF - Statement of Essential Facts  

Exporter - Preliminary Information Requests* PIR Questionnaire  PIR Questionnaire Spreadsheet 
Exporter** Questionnaire  Questionnaire Spreadsheet 
Importer*** Questionnaire  Questionnaire Spreadsheet 
* Lodgement of PIR is due by: 11 September 2024
** Lodgement of Exporter questionnaire is due by: 15 November 2024
***Lodgement of Importer questionnaire is due by: Part A: 4 September 2024, Part B, C, D & E: 31 October 2024

Electronic Public Records

EPR number Document type Title Date
7 Submission
6 Report
5 Notice - ADN
4 Submission
3 Notice - ADN
2 Report
1 Application