EPR 288 - Mushrooms, preserved from China

Goods Covered by the Application

Preserved mushrooms or champignons of the genus Agaricus, whole, sliced or as pieces and stems, in brine, sauce or some other preserving medium, packed in containers, including bottles, cans, bags, pails and barrels.

Case Information  

Case type

Revocation Review

Initiation date

4 May 2015


Global Procurement Pty Ltd

Tariff classification


2003.10.00 (statistical code 87)

Public Record Documents

The public record EPR 288includes non-confidential versions of the documents such as the application, submissions, questionnaire responses, Commission visit reports and letters.

Key Dates




Initial Submissions Due

13 June 2015


Statement of Essential Facts (SEF) no later than

24 October 2015


Submissions to SEF due

20 days later


Final Recommendation to the Parliamentary Secretary no later than

8 December 2015


Parliamentary Secretary's Decision Expected

Within 30 days of receiving the recommendation


Contacts for this Investigation

Case Manager:

Tel +61 3 8539 2408

Fax: +61 3 8539 2499 (outside Australia)


Mailing Address:

The Director

Operations 1

Anti-Dumping Commission

GPO Box 1632

Melbourne VIC 3001

Electronic Public Records

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