570 - Zinc coated (galvanised) steel from Taiwan

Exported by: Yieh Phui Enterprise Co., Ltd

The goods the subject of the application (the goods) are:

Flat rolled products of iron and non-alloy steel of a width less than 600mm and, equal to or greater than 600mm, plated or coated with zinc and

Flat rolled iron or steel products containing alloys of a width less than 600mm and, equal to or greater than 600mm, plated or coated with zinc

Further information on the goods can be found in the initiation ADN 2021/002 below.

Case information


Yieh Phui Enterprise Co., Ltd

Tariff Classification

7210.49.00 (statistical code 55, 56, 57, 58)

7212.30.00 (statistical code 61)

7225.92.00 (statistical code 38)

7226.99.00 (statistical code 71)

Investigation Period

1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020

Injury Examination Period


Contacts for this investigation

Case Manager:

Tel: +61 3 8539 2470

Fax: +61 3 8539 2499

E: investigations2@adcommission.gov.au

Mailing address:

The Director - Investigations 2

Anti-Dumping Commission

GPO Box 2013

Canberra ACT 2601


Key Dates

Initiation Date

15 January 2021

Initial submissions due

21 February 2021

Proposals to modify the proposed MCC structure due no later than 21 February 2021

SEF** no later than

 2 September 2021

SEF submissions due

20 days after publication of SEF

Final recommendation due no later than

 18 October 2021  

Minister's decision expected

Within 30 days of receiving the recommendation

**SEF - Statement of Essential Facts





      Questionnaire Spreadsheet
Importer       Questionnaire       Questionnaire Spreadsheet

*Lodgement of exporter questionnaire due by: 22 February 2021

*Lodgement of importer questionnaire due by: Part A 22 January 2021; Part B,C 5 February 2021  

Electronic Public Records

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