The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.
The Prime Minister and the Minister for Industry and Science announced the 2023 prize recipients on 16 October 2023.
The prizes acknowledge the achievements and success of Australian scientists and innovators, and the benefits of their work to Australia and the world. They also recognise the critical role primary and secondary school educators play in inspiring students to engage with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
This year we recognised 7 of the very best in Australian science, innovation and education.
Learn about the prize recipients
Watch the event highlights
[Music plays and an image appears of a Prime Minister’s Prize for Science medallion on the left, and text appears on the right: The Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science 2023]
[Image changes to show Prime Minister Anthony Albanese talking to the camera, and then images move through of various prize recipients smiling, working in the lab, and on computers and machines, and text appears: The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister of Australia]
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese: It is my great honour to be with all of you tonight as we celebrate the superheroes of Australian science, some of our nation’s leading scientists and science teachers,
[Images move through to show a turtle being measured, various recipients smiling, test tubes in a machine, a bee in a test tube, a computer, and school students working and looking at computers]
people advancing the frontiers of discovery and inspiring a new generation to discover a love of science.
[Music plays and images flash through of close views of researchers at work in a lab, a test tube with pink liquid being held up, researchers talking around a whiteboard, and two researchers looking at a machine, and text appears: Dr Vanessa Pirotta, MC]
[Images move through to show a teacher working with students, Dr Vanessa Pirotta talking to the camera, and school students working together again]
Dr Vanessa Pirotta: Sharing what we discover is inspiring and a very important part of our work especially for the next generation.
[Images flash through of various scenes from the awards ceremony videos, Ed Husic talking to the camera, various pieces of research equipment, researchers working, and school children, and text appears: The Hon Ed Husic, MP]
The Hon Ed Husic MP: We want to be a nation that invents and manufactures these technologies listening to scientists and acting on their advice.
[Images move through of Anthony Albanese shaking hands with various recipients, and then various recipients smiling and posing for photographs]
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese: The breadth and the quality of all the nominees gathered here tonight speaks for just how important science is to the whole of our nation’s future.
[Images continue to move through of various award winners]
[Music plays and the image changes to show a Prime Minister’s Prize for Science medallion on the left, the Australian Government Coat of Arms at the bottom right, and text appears on the right: Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science 2023]