EPR 235 - Sodium bicarbonate from China

Goods covered by the application

Sodium hydrogen carbonate, also referred to as sodium bicarbonate or baking soda, which can be manufactured via the natural alkali method or the Solvay method. For the natural alkali method, alkali is mined, purified, filtered, carbonised and dried before packing. The Solvay method is a synthetic process that includes crude bicarbonate formation, filtration, light ash finishing and refining.

Case information


Case type

Accelerated review

Lodgement date

21 November 2013


VanderArk International Pty

Tariff classification

2836.30.00 (statistical code 27)

Public record documents

The public record EPR 235 includes non-confidential versions of documents such as the application, submissions, questionnaire responses, Commission visit reports and letters.

Key dates




Initial submissions due

20 January 2014


Final recommendation to the Parliamentary Secretary no later than

3 March 2014


Parliamentary Secretary's decision expected

Within 30 days of receiving the recommendation


Contacts for this investigation

Case manager: Tel (02) 6275 6393

Fax: 1300 882 506 or +61 2 6275 6888 outside Australia

Email: operations2@adcommission.gov.au

Mailing address:

Director, Operational Policy

Anti-Dumping Commission

5th Floor, Customs House

5 Constitution Avenue


Electronic Public Records