
Planned timing of key deliverables


  1. Toolkit (beta version): Develop priority elements of the self-service toolkit
  2. Establish register of evaluation recommendations and lessons learned
  3. Annual assessment of progress against strategy’s measures for success
  4. Develop and launch internal evaluation training package 
  5. Establish an evaluation community of practice in the department
  6. Regular promotion of evaluation resources and support


  1. Toolkit update: Develop additional factsheet, templates and guidance materials to supplement self-service toolkit
  2. Regular reporting on implementation of recommendations and lessons learned
  3. Regular promotion of evaluation resources and support
  4. Annual assessment of progress against strategy’s measures for success


  1. Review the strategy
  2. Regular reporting on implementation of recommendations and lessons learned
  3. Regular promotion of evaluation resources and support
  4. Annual assessment of progress against strategy’s measures for success


  1. Toolkit update: Develop additional tools as determined by annual maturity assessment and training feedback
  2. Regular reporting on implementation of recommendations and lessons learned
  3. Regular promotion of evaluation resources and support
  4. Annual assessment of progress against strategy’s measures for success


  1. Conduct stakeholder consultation and draft a new Evaluation Strategy
  2. Refresh toolkit, training materials and processes as needed
  3. Regular reporting on implementation of recommendations and lessons learned
  4. Regular promotion of evaluation resources and support
  5. Annual assessment of progress against strategy's measures for success