Strategy themes and actions

The strategy has 5 themes each with a set of 13 actions to progress over 7 years. These actions position Australia for success and guide achieving the vision set out in the strategy.

Theme 1: Thriving research and development, investment in and use of quantum technologies

Action 1.1 

Design new programs to incentivise the continued growth of quantum use cases in sensing, communications, and computing. The goal of these programs should be to fast-track projects using quantum and other advanced technologies to solve significant national challenges.

Progress to date

Round one applications opened for the $36 million Critical Technologies Challenge Program in May 2024. The CTCP fosters collaboration between Australia’s quantum businesses, researchers and end-users to develop innovative solutions to the first set of nationally significant challenges: 

  • optimising the performance, sustainability and security of energy networks
  • improving medical imaging and medical sensors to support diagnosis, treatment of disease and monitoring activities inside the human body
  • enhancing communication with autonomous systems in varying environments
  • optimising and reducing the impact of resource exploration, extraction, and mineral processing.

Action 1.2

Support initiatives to drive ecosystem growth, support commercialisation and enhance domestic and international links with strategic partners. The government will seek out and support initiatives involving consortiums of universities, quantum companies and industry translating quantum research into commercial outcomes.

Progress to date

On 27 April 2024, the University of Sydney was announced as the successful grantee under the Australian Centre for Quantum Growth Program. The new national centre, Quantum Australia will help the Australian quantum industry by:

  • supporting the adoption, development and commercialisation of quantum technologies and fostering collaborative research and development to encourage innovation
  • building connections and promoting collaborations across industry, research and government in the quantum ecosystem, both nationally and internationally
  • increasing awareness and educating industries across the broader economy and society of the implications and opportunities of emerging quantum technologies
  • supporting the responsible and inclusive development of quantum technology in Australia.

Action 1.3

Grow a pipeline of quantum companies and technologies for potential future investment through the $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund, with a minimum $1 billion earmarked for investment in critical technologies.

Progress to date

The National Reconstruction Fund Corporation (NRFC) was established on 18 September 2023 by the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation Act 2023. The NRFC supports 7 priority areas of the Australian economy.

The Industry Growth Program opened on 27 November 2023. The program supports Small and Medium Enterprises to carry out commercialisation or growth projects that build Australian capabilities in priority areas for the National Reconstruction Fund.

Theme 2: Securing access to essential quantum infrastructure and materials

Action 2.1

Conduct a national audit of quantum-related infrastructure enabling quantum research. The audit will identify capability gaps and areas for dedicated investment, including access to quantum computing capabilities.

Progress to date

Work on this action is in progress 

Action 2.2    

Actively monitor supply chain challenges and opportunities affecting Australia’s quantum industries and move to address these wherever possible.

Progress to date    

Work on this action is in progress

Theme 3: A skilled and growing quantum workforce

Action 3.1

Deliver the National Quantum Collaboration Initiative and quantum technology talent PhD scholarships, to lay the foundations for a nation wide model for academic collaboration. 

Progress to date

The National Quantum Collaboration Initiative report has been delivered 

Action 3.2

Release a quantum workforce report, including modelling to identify workforce and educational needs for our quantum sector and adjacent industries. The report will include skills taxonomies for quantum professionals and other adjacent occupations.

Progress to date 

Work on this action is in progress

Action 3.3

Integrate quantum science into programs growing STEM awareness in schools, universities and VET, in collaboration with federal, state and territory education bodies. This will strengthen pathways and promote uptake into quantum and adjacent careers and will include initiatives to lift the participation of women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other underrepresented groups.

Progress to date

Work on this action is in progress 

Action 3.4

Explore measures to attract global quantum talent and position Australia as a top destination to build a thriving quantum career. This includes actively promoting Australia as a destination for professionals in quantum and adjacent industries, including through targeted incentives, skilled migration and talent attraction programs.

Progress to date 

Work on this action is in progress

Theme 4: Standards and frameworks that support national interests

Action 4.1

Work across government to ensure that regulatory measures and frameworks are fit for purpose to maximise opportunities and manage risks while protecting Australia’s national interests.

Progress to date

Ongoing engagement and collaboration between the Australian Government and state and territory governments

Action 4.2

Explore options to strengthen collaboration and opportunity for industry with our established partners through existing arrangements and potential partnership arrangements, including AUKUS, the Quad, and other regional and special bilateral agreements. Identify and consider opportunities to grow Australia’s regional leadership through collaborative programs of research, science diplomacy and provisioning access to infrastructure.

Progress to date

  • Establishment of the Quantum Development Group
  • Joint Statement of Collaboration with the United Kingdom
  • Multilateral Dialogue on Quantum meeting
  • Establishment of the Quad Investors Network
  • Developments in the Quad and AUKUS Pillar II contexts

Theme 5: A trusted, ethical and inclusive quantum ecosystem

Action 5.1

Work with industry, academia and states and territories to develop principles to support the responsible and inclusive development and use of quantum technologies.

Progress to date 

Work on this action is in progress 

Action 5.2

Ensure that Australia is actively represented in international quantum standards-setting bodies. Continue to work with industry to boost participation in international quantum standards development.

Progress to date    

Establishment of the Joint Technical Committee on Standards