There has been substantial progress and achievement since the launch of the strategy. It will be important to maintain this momentum and continue to work together to deliver on existing initiatives. At the same time, the work to date provides a solid foundation for addressing opportunities in other areas identified as priorities.
Establishing world-class quantum infrastructure
The strategy includes a commitment to a national audit of quantum-related research infrastructure. The audit is underway and is improving our understanding of existing infrastructure and capabilities. It will help identify gaps and infrastructure accessibility issues in Australia and give insights into how to address these. Stakeholders have already indicated that greater access to testbeds, nanofabrication facilities, shared cryogenics, test and evaluation capabilities and specialist engineering advice would support prototyping and manufacture of quantum devices, particularly for early-stage companies. More than 50 existing labs and facilities across the country have capabilities in fabrication, characterisation, testing and more.
Ensuring quantum researchers and businesses have the materials and components they need
The strategy also commits to monitoring supply chain challenges and opportunities facing the quantum sector. The nascency of the sector means supply chains are still developing, and future needs and strengths are hard to predict. By improving our understanding of the sources of key inputs associated with quantum technologies we can begin to prepare for potential future disruptions and shortages. The Australian Government is also working to identify potential export opportunities for Australian producers of components and materials in the growing global market.