Tony Shannon
Industry Growth Program Adviser | New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory

Tony Shannon is a former business executive with over 20 years of experience in the role. He has built companies in the digital and information sectors before moving to consulting, where he has advised SMEs for more than a decade. 

Tony was in the management team for the 1999 initial public offering of HWW Limited and a director of the ASX-listed entity until its sale to Ninemsn. He was co-founder and CEO of APM Pty Ltd, a HWW and Fairfax Media joint venture until its buyout by Fairfax. At APM he led the creation and commercialisation of an innovative automated valuation model (AVM) for residential property.

He has a Bachelor of Arts in professional writing and holds a Master of Management from Macquarie Business School (MGSM). He also mentored MBA students at University of Technology Sydney (UTS). 

Tony lives and works in Sydney.