Kris McCoy
Counsellor (Industry, Science and Resources), Europe

Kris is based at the Australian Embassy and Permanent Delegation to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris. Her role includes:

  • Representing and advancing the department’s interests and objectives in the OECD
  • Representing Australia as the Energy Advisor to the International Energy Agency
  • Managing the relationship between Australia and European countries in relation to energy, resources, critical minerals and climate matters
  • Working alongside her co-counsellor to facilitate bilateral relationships and dialogues between Australian and European countries.

Before this, Kris was the Executive Officer to Mr David Fredericks PSM, who was Secretary of the former Department of Environment and Energy and at the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. Her role included supporting the Secretary and Executive throughout the formation of the new department and throughout the COVID19 pandemic.

Kris held several energy based roles before joining the Office of the Secretary, including leading the Strategic Policy and Governance team during a period of significant energy market reform and change, establishment of the Energy Security Board and Gas Market Reform Group as well as leading Australia’s former Energy Efficiency Opportunities Program.