The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

About this strategy

The National Robotics Strategy is our plan for Australia’s robotics ecosystem. 

It will help build a stronger, more unified robotics industry and harness the benefits of robotics and automation across our economy.

Developing, manufacturing and using these technologies in Australia will:

  • improve productivity
  • grow our economy
  • help revive Australian manufacturing
  • combat major challenges like climate change, our ageing population, geopolitical risks, labour market pressures and the cost of living.

We developed this strategy in consultation with the robotics industry, researchers, state and territory governments and the Australian public. It was guided by an advisory committee of Australian robotics and technology experts.

Explore the digital publication

Message from the Minister for Industry and Science

Robotics and automation are critical to building a better and brighter future for Australia.

Message from the Advisory Committee Chair

The responsible adoption of robotics and automation technologies will be transformative for Australia.

Introduction to the strategy

Strategy at a glance

Read an overview of the National Robotics Strategy

Australia's robotics opportunity

Why these technologies are important


How we consulted stakeholders and the public

National vision and key themes

The Australian Government’s vision for robotics is that:

Australian industries are responsibly developing and using robotics and automation technologies to strengthen competitiveness, boost productivity and support local communities.

To achieve this vision, the strategy sets out goals and objectives around 4 key themes.

Theme 1: National capability

Build a strong, collaborative robotics and automation ecosystem that delivers world leading research, has clear pathways to market and exports globally.

Theme 2: Increasing adoption

Increase the adoption of robotics and automation, particularly Australian made solutions, across the economy for the benefit of all Australians.

Theme 3: Trust, inclusion and responsible development and use

Ensure the design and deployment of robotics and automation solutions are responsible, secure, ethical, lawful and inclusive.

Theme 4: Skills and diversity

Support Australians from all backgrounds to contribute to and benefit from the development and adoption of robotics and automation.



The National Robotics Strategy's referenced sources.