The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Message from the Minister for Industry and Science

The Hon Ed Husic MP
Minister for Industry and Science

Robotics and automation are critical to building a Future Made in Australia.

Around the world, countries are investing in revitalising their manufacturing base. Despite recent improvements, over the last 15 years, Australia’s manufacturing industry has shrunk more than any other sector in our economy. The retirement of manufacturing assets in Australia currently outpaces investment, with capital stock depreciating by $190 million. A healthy manufacturing industry onshores supply chains, lowers production costs, and drives innovation and jobs growth. 

Australia’s limited uptake of robotics and automation to date is holding back Australia’s manufacturing industry. We know the benefits of these technologies. Only a 1% increase in robotics can lead to a whole of economy 0.8% increase in productivity by automating high-value manufacturing and enabling production at scale. 

Yet, Australia ranks 32nd globally in the adoption of industrial robots. Lifting the adoption of these technologies will allow our manufacturers to produce higher quality products in less time and make them more internationally competitive. 

And it’s not just in manufacturing. We’re seeing robotics across our economy combat workforce shortages in sectors under pressure like agriculture, health and aged care, and emergency response. Developments in artificial intelligence allow robots to harvest crops, deploy and maintain solar panels, respond to emergencies and much more. Today robots are also supporting complex surgeries, boosting production capability in small businesses and keeping our workers safe in factories, construction sites and mines. And our aspiration should be to make more robotics and automation solutions here in Australia. 

Adopting robotics and automation is about supporting workers, not replacing them. Countries investing in robotics and automation have higher manufacturing outputs alongside increased employment, growth, and job satisfaction. That’s because robotics and automation can take care of the dirty, dull and dangerous activities, leaving skilled workers to focus the tasks where they can add the most value.

The National Robotics Strategy is the first of its kind in Australia. It sets a vision to develop and adopt our own robotics solutions to secure Australia’s future and seize the opportunity in front of us. It highlights that the development and deployment of these technologies is supporting more rewarding, safe and dynamic jobs across our economy. It demonstrates pathways to support manufacturers upgrading and renewing capital stock. It builds on our strengths and expertise in robotics, outlining how robotics and automation can work for us, and how we can develop the right skills to build a Future Made in Australia.

I want to thank the Advisory Committee Chair, and committee members, for their efforts developing a strategy that demonstrates the immense value of robotics to our economy, if we can seize the opportunity.