Freedom of information disclosure log 2021

Read publicly available information released following a freedom of information (FOI) request in 2021.

We publish documents released in response to freedom of information (FOI) requests.

If you experience any difficulty accessing these documents, please contact us.

Disclosure log number: 21/083/69855M

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  • Correspondence between the Office of the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor and the Energy Security Board between 1 March 2020 to present [7 October 2021]
  • Correspondence including, but not limited to, emails, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, briefing notes, reports 

Disclosure log number: 21/082/69843M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Correspondence between the Office of the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor and Toyota Australia (including representatives from Toyota Australia), specifically correspondence:

  • between February 2020 to February 2021 related to the development of the Future Fuels Discussion Paper
  • between February 2020 to February 2021 related to electric vehicle and hybrid vehicle policy
  • including but not limited to emails, meeting agendas, meeting minutes

Disclosure log number: 21/081/70042M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Any emails, letters, records of phone calls or meeting notes between Minister Taylor and his office and Garbis Simonian or representatives of the Hunter Gas Pipeline for the period from January 2019 to now [5 October 2021].

Disclosure log number: 21/080/70119

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: The same spreadsheet [refer LEX 69892] but including dates (of receipt or decision) and the outcomes of every NEI application’.

Disclosure log number: 21/079/69883

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: The following records the department holds to the extent that they are relevant to the awarding of a $5.37m refundable tax offset to Empire Energy through the federal government's R&D Tax Incentive Scheme:

  • Any document created that substantively discusses or makes recommendations in relation to the payment of this incentive
  • the departmental review of Empire Energy’s for this offset
  • Any document created in response to a media request sent by me, [NAMED INDIVIDUAL], on this topic on 7 October 2021.

Disclosure log number: 21/077/70073

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Emails sent or received by members of the Department at level SES1 and above about the Positive Energy (also known as ‘Australia’s Making Positive Energy’) campaign between September 4 and September 19, 2021 specifically about Carbon capture, use and storage, also known as CCUS.

Disclosure log number: 21/076/70120

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Emails sent or received by members of the Department at level SES1 and above about the Positive Energy (also known as ‘Australia’s Making Positive Energy’) campaign between September 4 and September 19, 2021 that mention coal, coal-fired power or coal being used to generate power or hydrogen.

Disclosure log number: 21/075/70016

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents that show:

  • The budget allocated for the development of the National Carbon Capture Use and Storage (CCUS) Technology Emissions Abatement Strategy;
  • The list of stakeholders consulted for the development of the National Carbon Capture Use and Storage (CCUS) Technology Emissions Abatement Strategy; and 
  • The forecast/potential greenhouse gas emissions abatement expected to be delivered through the National Carbon Capture Use and Storage (CCUS) Technology Emissions Abatement Strategy between 2020-30, 2020-40 and 2020-50.

Disclosure log number: 21/074/69017

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: commercial arrangements with [LEGAL SERVICE PROVIDER] for consultancy by [NAMED INDIVIDUALS] with documents covering: purpose of engagement; contract value or cost per unit of work; initial brief; amounts paid to date.

Disclosure log number: 21/073/69891

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents in relation to governance of space debris.

Disclosure log number: 21/072/69863

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: In relation to LEX 69629

  1. Two documents described as Attachment A (updated talking points) and Attachment B (media handling strategy) that were attached to MS21-001201.
  2. The ministerial submission MS21-000810 (the one referred to in Key Point 2 of MS21-001201) including any attachments to MS21-000810.

Disclosure log number: 21/071/69978

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: I would like to request an email, letter or other document which states the date on which the desktop publishing file for the document entitled "AUSTRALIA’S LONG-TERM EMISSIONS REDUCTION PLAN - A whole-of-economy Plan to achieve net zero emissions by 2050" was provided to a printing contractor for printing.The timeframe for the email, letter or other document covers August 1, 2021 to October 26, 2021.

Disclosure log number: 21/070/69963

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Briefs developed for David Fredericks (as they were in existence at 25 October 2021 2:32 PM) for his use and reference in the 2021 Supplementary Budget Estimates (held in October 2021) that make reference to former Minister Christian Porter or car parks.

Disclosure log number: 21/069/69892

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  1. a report per s17 of the FOI Act that shows the total number of ineligible 'new and existing incubator' grant applications.
  2. another report per s17 of the FOI Act that shows the total number of ineligible 'new and existing incubator' grant applications that were disqualified for not meeting the definition of incubator.

Disclosure log number: 21/068/69881

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: All documents:

  • with the Prime Minister and/or the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet;
  • created after 9 July 2021; and
  • regarding [companies withheld], the Entrepreneurs' Programme and/or the Incubator Support Initiative.

Disclosure log number: 21/067/69653

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Revised publication: 15 December 2022

Subject: NOPTA documents in relation to Petroleum Exploration Permit-11 (PEP-11) and the recommendations to both state and federal stakeholders.

Specifically the "NOPTA Recommendation for exploration Petroleum Exploration Permit-11 (PEP-11) lodged 23/01/20 NEATS reference Z4NMT2 - 23 January 2020"

Disclosure log number: 21/066/69592

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Phone calls, meetings, emails, briefs, hand written notes and correspondence between 25 February and 22 April 2021 involving the department, ministerial staff or Minister for Resources, discussing the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)

Disclosure log number: 21/065/69768

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: All correspondence between the Industry Department and DPMC regarding the FOI request Reference: 69601

Disclosure log number: 21/064/68961

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents held by the department regarding Empire Energy Pty Ltd.

Disclosure log number: 21/063/69629

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Briefs that primarily relate to matters concerning the IPCC from 1 August 2021 to 6 September 2021.

Disclosure log number: 21/062/69683

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: statistics about your website, broken down by financial years 2019-20 and 2020-21:

  1. The total number of all visits to your website
  2. The number of site visits to your:
    1. FOI webpage
    2. FOI disclosure log webpage
    3. Information Publication Scheme (IPS) entry webpage
    4. IPS agency plan webpage
    5. privacy webpage

 Disclosure log 21/062/6968

Disclosure log number: 21/061/69209

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents pertaining to the partnership between Questacon and Inpex... campaign IOs and/or email/fax correspondence for the timeframe between January 1 2020 and July 5 2021, particularly relating to the Your Energy video series.

Disclosure log number: 21/060/69600

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  1. The final version of the Laminaria-Corallina Sale Agreement.
  2. Any Documents which record NOPTA’s consideration or assessment of the Laminaria-Corallina Sale Agreement. (Date range - Dec 2015 to May 2021)

Disclosure log number: 21/059/69218

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: The report of the APS Mental Health Capability review conducted by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (formerly the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science) on behalf of the Secretaries Equality and Diversity Council.

Disclosure log number: 21/058/69384

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Submissions to the Future Fuels Strategy Discussion Paper from/on behalf of Toyota Australia.

Disclosure log number: 21/057/69627

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  1. Geoscience Australia’s submission document to the AWEI scheme;
  2. Data collated by Geoscience Australia for provision to Pride in Diversity and AWEI scheme;
  3. Results of AWEI employee survey conducted by the Geoscience Australia on Geoscience Australia employees;
  4. Invoices to ACON and Pride in Diversity

Disclosure log number: 21/056/69364

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Date of publication: 24 September 2021

Subject: All files pertaining to UFO sightings as well as USO sightings also.

Disclosure log number: 21/055/69357

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Project Carbon Dioxide Injection Project Low Emissions Technology Demonstration Fund Annual Reports for:

  • 1 July 2011 – 30 June 2012
  • 1 July 2010 – 30 June 2011
  • 1 July 2009 – 30 June 2010

Disclosure log number: 21/054/69151

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Any written submissions or written responses received by the Department from any person or entity (including Woodside) as part of the consultation process for:

  1. the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Titles Administration and Other Measures) Bill 2021; other than those responses which have been published on the Department’s website.

Disclosure log number: 21/053/69293M

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  1. any application by Imperial and/or Empire Energy for grants under the BCDP Instrument;
  2. any material assessing Imperial and/or Empire Energy’s application against the eligibility and assessment criteria, as set out in Paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of the document entitled ‘Beetaloo Cooperative Drilling Program – Grant Opportunity Guidelines’ 2 published by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (Beetaloo Grant Guidelines);
  3. any material before the relevant decision maker (who we understand to be yourself as the Minister for Resources and Water) when making the Decision, including attachments thereto (i.e. the Decision Brief);
  4. any documents recording the making of the Decision including any reasons for the Decision;
  5. the document notifying Imperial and/or Empire Energy of the outcome of their grant application (as required under paragraph 9 of the Beetaloo Grant Guidelines) and/or any other documents recording the approval/award of the grant to Imperial and/or Empire Energy; and
  6. any grant agreement between Imperial and/or Empire Energy and the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources and/or any other relevant entity in respect of the Decision.

Disclosure log number: 21/052/69198

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  1. All merit assessment packs or briefs held by or created by the Department and provided to Minister Porter or his Office with respect to grants provided under the Modern Manufacturing Initiative.
  2. All merit assessment packs or briefs held by or created by the Department and provided to Minister Porter or his Office with respect to grants provided under the Manufacturing Modernisation Fund.

Disclosure log number: 21/051/69410

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents relating to BidEnergy, and the position National Wind Farm Commissioner.

Disclosure log number: 21/050/69374

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Any communication exchanged between Dr Clark and the Australian Space Agency pertaining to [name withheld] during July 2021.

Disclosure log number: 21/049/69498MO

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: the Ministerial Diary of Keith Pitt, Minister for Water and Resources for Thursday 24 and Friday 25 June, 2021.

Disclosure log number: 21/048/69124

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: the Handbook referred to on page 26 of the 'Governance Review'

Disclosure log number: 21/047/68944

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents relating to a Specific Trade Concern with China about coal testing:

  • Correspondence (emails and records of meetings) internally or with DFAT about STC 477 between:
    • 12 and 28 October 2020; and,
    • 8 and 26 February 2021
  • Between 1 March and 24 December 2020, in relation to the coal certification issue:
    • any handwritten notes from phone calls or meetings between DISER and NATA,
    • any briefs with tracked changes contributed by NATA

Disclosure log number: 21/046/68741

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: From 1 January 2019 to September 2020, conflicts of interest registered, declared or discussed in relation to members of the Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee, including minutes and written notices as per section 261 and 262 of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 – limited to the following types of documents:

  • Ministerial briefings from 2020 onwards
  • ERAC minutes and papers from 2020 onwards (only the portions of the minutes and paper that relate to conflicts of interest)
  • Conflict of Interest Registers, and
  • Handling notes

Disclosure log number: 21/045/69086

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: any analysis, modelling or calculations providing the basis for the statement on page 6 of the First Low Emissions Technology Statement – 2020 that the anticipated impacts from the priority technology stretch goals include “support over 130,000 jobs by 2030 with more than half in regional communities.”

Disclosure log number: 21/044/68478

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents created by the Department, consultants, or the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, relating to the proposal and development of a National Gas Infrastructure Plan (NGIP) specifically any correspondence with AEMO about the NGIP

Disclosure log number: 21/043/68721

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: For two investments only… The form certifying the eligibility of these investments pursuant to the BTF guidelines, and the "Governing documents" from the BioScience Managers Translation Fund 1.

Disclosure log number: 21/042/69025

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: the eligibility and completeness checklists filled out for incubator support initiative 'new and existing incubator' grant applications.

Disclosure log number: 21/041/68976

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: documents that detail why the incubator support initiative grant program was closed.

Disclosure log number: 21/040/68954

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: the following documents related to Contract (CN ID):

  • CN3762306 - Professional Advice on a business case for an onshore COVID-19 vaccine:
    • The Letter of Proposal and/or Requests for Proposals and/or Request for Quotation, and
    • The final deliverable (the report, advice or powerpoint presentation at the end of the project)

Disclosure log number: 21/039/69021

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: a dollar figure for the last 5 financial years' general ledger for Questacon.

Disclosure log number: 21/038/68418

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Minutes and attachments relating to the approval by the minister for energy and emissions reduction of grant funding provided to Shine Energy under the Supporting Reliable Energy Infrastructure Program.

Disclosure log number: 21/037/67860

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  1. The US and Australia lease agreement enabling Australia to keep oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (signed in June 2020)
  2. Briefing(s) to Minister Angus Taylor that seek his approval to enter into supply/purchase agreements with the suppliers of the oil that is to be stored in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Disclosure log number: 21/036/68184

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: the following contracts with Boston Consulting Group as listed on Austender:

  1. $80,000 Professional Advice on Integrating Gas Modelling CN3715192
  2. $869,000 Professional Advice CN3734967
  3. $5,500,000 Model Delivery, Consultancy Services and Reports CN3736786
  4. $2,563,000 Business Facilitation CN3739047
  1. The final contract documents
  2. Criteria used to assess proposals
  3. The final assessment of the contracts under the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, and/or Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines
  4. The terms of reference for the work

Disclosure log number: 21/035/67330

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Correspondence relating to Shine Energy and the grant and/or feasibility study:

  • The fortnight leading into the initial announcement on the 26 March 2019
  • The fortnight leading into the awarding of the funding for the feasibility study on the 8 February 2020

Disclosure log number: 21/034/68126

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  • Correspondence between the Department and the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction on the preparation of modelling for the ‘Future Fuels Strategy: Discussion Paper’
  • Correspondence between the Department and the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction on the preparation of modelling for “Attachment A: Cost walk – Total cost of ownership comparison” included within the ‘Future Fuels Strategy: Discussion Paper’
  • Copies documents detailing modelling prepared for the ‘Future Fuels Strategy: Discussion Paper’

Disclosure log number: 21/033/68593

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  1. Advice on combustible cladding, legal or otherwise, before the date of releasing the final version of NCC 2016 Amendment 1.
  2. Advice on combustible cladding, legal or otherwise, received since the Lacrosse Tower Ruling (VICTORIAN CIVIL AND ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL CIVIL DIVISION VCAT REFERENCE NO. BP 350/2016)
  3. Advice on combustible cladding, legal or otherwise, received between the release of the final version of NCC2016 Amendment 1 and the Lacrosse Tower Ruling.

Disclosure log number: 21/032/68723M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: the appointment diary of the minister for Industry, Science and Technology, from his March 30 appointment to May 1 2021.

Disclosure log number: 21/031/68637

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Disclosure of Interests and Decisions Declared by Regional Incubator Facilitators at ISI applications Entrepreneurs’ Programme Committee Meeting.

Disclosure log number: 21/030/68194

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Draft Methodology for Native Forest Protection Projects

Disclosure log number: 21/029/68598

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: All conflict of interest disclosures made by Peter Dutton MP under Stronger Communities programs 3-5 for approved grants only.

Disclosure log number: 21/028/62528

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Any correspondence since March 2017 within the Minister's Office and the Department of Industry, Innovation & Science which discuss directly the definition of 'broad community support' in the context of community consultation and vote associated with a potential National Radioactive Waste Management Facility at Kimba.

Disclosure log number: 21/027/67846

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Seeking access to the following in relation to 2 applicants of the NCI Partnership Program – Round One:

  1. The applicants written response to Assessment Criteria 1 of the application, and
  2. The assessment of Assessment Criteria 1 inclusive of the determination of the criterion by the reviewer/s panel members.

Disclosure log number: 21/026/68341

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: All messages (be it by email or other productivity software) to and from …Right to Know and Open Australia Foundation.

Disclosure log number: 21/025/68102 M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Any correspondence from AEMO to the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction or his office regarding the Gas Statement of Opportunities, Integrated System Plan or Electricity Statement of Opportunities between May 1, 2020 and July 30, 2020.

Disclosure log number: 21/024/68222

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: the first version of the RIF webpage that included staff biographies (prior to 8 June 2018).

Disclosure log number: 21/023/68104

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Access to documents held by the Department regarding the Incubator Support Initiative (ISI) Regional Incubator Facilitator (RIF) webpage.

Disclosure log number: 21/022/68105

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: …all documents and correspondence regarding Attachment E (p.17) ‘Change in emissions and renewable energy comparators for selected countries’, in the department’s submission to the Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) Bill Submission 558.

Disclosure log number: 21/021/68078

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: All documents that contain correspondence between the Department and Right to Know in relation to censorship of officer details in FOI requests.

Disclosure log number: 21/020/67849

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: only the 1st page with the division name of all divisional fraud risk assessments completed in 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020.

Disclosure log number: 21/019/67798

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: all email messages by [contractor] with regard to:

  • Hunter Business Centre project broadly, OR
  • ISI grant application with tracking number S5DN3C9P (including messages relating to the draft version of the same application)

Disclosure log number: 21/017/67675

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: AusIndustry Support For Business (Fraud and Corruption Control Plan) Divisional Risk Assessments completed in the years 2016, 2019, and 2020.

Disclosure log number: 21/016/67670

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Internal audit reports by Legal, Audit and Assurance as per s. 14.2, 4. compliance reviews as per s. 14.4, and 5. audit reports that address:

  • insider threats as per s. 5.4, or
  • employment screening as per s. 13.2, or
  • leave policies as per s. 13.3, or
  • conflicts of interest as per ss. 5.2 & 13.4, or
  • cyber and digital awareness as per s. 5.5, or
  • ICT compliance as per ss. 13.5 & 14.5.

Disclosure log number: 21/015/67721

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: "...release of all emails between [contractor] and your department from 1 Nov 18 to 14 Nov 18.”

Disclosure log number: 21/014/68266

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: The email message sent by the Incubator Support Program Manager on 31 October 2018 at 6:00PM, and the reply on 2 November 2018 at 11:13AM.

Disclosure log number: 21/013/68011M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Any emails, letters, records of phone calls or meeting notes between Minister Taylor and his office and representatives from Pangea resources, Tamboran resources and Empire Energy for the period from January 2019 to now [27 January 2021].

Disclosure log number: 21/012/67623

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents in relation to Pawsey Supercomputing Centre (Pawsey) and the SKA Project.

Disclosure log number: 21/011/67586M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: All Ministerial diary entries between March 25, 2020 and November 26, 2020 of meetings between Angus Taylor and gas companies or lobby groups including but not limited to:

  • Origin Energy
  • Santos
  • Inpex
  • Viva Energy
  • Rio Tinto
  • Woodside
  • BHP

Disclosure log number: 21/010/67668

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: All regional incubator facilitator (RIF) disclosures and relevant decisions in entrepreneur programme committee (EPC) meetings and the ad-hoc minute approved by the incubator support initiative manager on 20 June 2018.

Disclosure log number: 21/009/67939

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: All documents with dates of third-party (public) enquiries/concerns/allegations regarding conflicts of interests in the incubator support initiative

Disclosure log number: 21/008/67646

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Dates of correspondence in relation to ad hoc grant for MassChallenge and engagement of [contractor].

Disclosure log number: 21/007/67636

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  1. each RIF webpage update to date including the contents, requests and approvals; and
  2. the advice provided to Department staff during a tender process.

Disclosure log number: 21/006/67592

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Seeking the full disclosure of the Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) methodology used by the National Measurement Institute to test medicinal cannabis products on behalf of the TGA.

Disclosure log number: 21/005/67672

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: "...the tender submission for the purpose of applying for this contract:

Disclosure log number: 21/004/67452

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: All documents provided by Legal, Audit & Assurance Branch to the Secretary to inform on PGPA compliance and risk assessments certification on 19 September 2018.

Disclosure log number: 21/003/67660

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  1. each RIF webpage update to date including the contents, requests and approvals; and
  2. the advice provided to Department staff during a tender process.

Disclosure log number: 21/002/67356

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: between 1 March 2020 and present:

  • Briefs to Minister Taylor’s office that include more than one paragraph or dot point which discusses an Emissions Reduction Fund/Climate Solutions Fund methodology for Carbon Capture Storage (excluding cabinet material and any publicly available documents)
  • Records of meetings (including calendar invites, agendas and handwritten notes taken during meetings) with Santos about an Emissions Reduction Fund/Climate Solutions Fund methodology for Carbon Capture Storage
  • Emails between the Department and Santos that discuss Carbon Capture Storage, the Emissions Reduction Fund/Climate Solutions Fund and enhanced oil recovery

Disclosure log number: 21/001/67286

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Correspondence between the Department and representatives of the Vales Point power station (including Delta Electricity and Sunset Power International), relating to the allocation of funding to the power station under the Underwriting New Generation Investments program between 12 June 2020 and 15 October 2020.

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