Freedom of information disclosure log 2024

Read publicly available information released following a freedom of information (FOI) request in 2024.

We publish documents released in response to freedom of information (FOI) requests.

If you experience any difficulty accessing these documents, please contact us.

Disclosure log number: 24/120/75287

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Budget Estimates briefs relating to PsiQuantum. 

Disclosure log number: 24/119/76136

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Internal closure reports.

Disclosure log number: 24/118/74498

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: List of grants from 18 September 2013 to 4 February 2024 containing the word 'space'. 

Disclosure log number: 24/117/76080

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Question Time briefs relating to PsiQuantum.

Disclosure log number: 24/116/76027

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents, briefings, emails and an extract regarding PEP-11.

Disclosure log number: 24/115/75586

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Chief Scientist’s advice in relation to PsiQuantum.

Disclosure log number: 24/114/76100M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Correspondence between Minister for Resources and the Member for Curtin.

Disclosure log number: 24/113/76007

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents relating to the Future Gas Strategy.

Disclosure log number: 24/112/76058

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: The Minister for Resources' ministerial diaries from 1 to 27 October 2024.

Disclosure log number: 24/111/75894

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Correspondence between the Australian Space Agency and SpaceX.

Disclosure log number: 24/110/76060

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents in relation to the National Aerial firefighting Program and the National Aerial firefighting Centre (NAFC).

Disclosure log number: 24/109/75956

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents relating to Incubator Support Programme.

Disclosure log number: 24/108/76016

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Briefs regarding incubator support from January 2019 to May 2020. 

Disclosure log number: 24/107/75556

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Emails relating to Incubator Support Initiative. 

Disclosure log number: 24/106/75955

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Guidance, policies, and procedures that were implemented and actively used as at 1 January 2020 for legal practitioners as to the provision of legal advice.

Disclosure log number: 24/105/75895

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents relating to Senate Inquiry into the Middle Arm Industrial Precinct.

Disclosure log number: 24/104/75870

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Incubator Support Programme guidelines.

Disclosure log number: 24/103/75726

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Entrepreneurs' Programme Committee Meeting Papers.

Disclosure log number: 24/102/74644

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Briefing paper relating to unidentified aerial phenomena.

Disclosure log number: 24/101/75815

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Document MS22-001858 International cooperation update – Quantum, Robotics and AI.

Disclosure log number: 24/100/67665

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents relating to a grant under the Cooperative Research Centres Project program.

Disclosure log number: 24/099/75701M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Copy of Minister Husic’s diary (calendar of events, meetings, visits, social engagements, travel) for 23rd - 28th January 2023.

Disclosure log number: 24/098/74437

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Entrepreneurs’ Program evaluation reports.

Disclosure log number: 24/097/75584

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Correspondence between Geoscience Australia and Cadia Mine (also known as Cadia Valley Operations (CVO), Newcrest or Newmont) between 1 April 2017 to 30 September 2017.

Disclosure log number: 24/096/75627

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Brief relating to critical technology visa screening impact on Australian Industry.

Disclosure log number: 24/095/75731

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Ministerial Submissions from DISR Science and Technology Group to Minister for Industry and Science from 1 August 2024 to 31 August 2024.

Disclosure log number: 24/094/75728

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Blank Employment Contract for appointees of the Rail Industry Innovation Council.

Disclosure log number: 24/093/75729

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Blank Employment Contract for appointees of the Green Metals Advisory Panel.

Disclosure log number: 24/092/75595

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Decision brief relating to Woodside's Calliance Storage Formation.

Disclosure log number: 24/091/75497

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Ministerial submissions relating to PEP-11 from 7 March 2024 to 24 July 2024.

Disclosure log number: 24/090/75632

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Brief relating to Venture Capital Landscape, Programs and Review.

Disclosure log number: 24/089/75700

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Incubator Support Initiative issues register

Disclosure log number: 24/088/75696

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Any advice, including but not limited to ministerial submissions, provided by the Department to Government regarding nuclear power.

Disclosure log number: 24/087/75347

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: documents in relation to the National Aerial firefighting Program and the National Aerial firefighting Centre (NAFC).

Disclosure log number: 24/086/75531

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Correspondence between Minister King and her office and Buru Energy Pty Ltd.

Disclosure log number: 24/085/75668

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject:  Incubator Support Initiatives procedure manuals 

Disclosure log number: 24/084/75394

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Question Time Briefs

Disclosure log number: 24/083/75618

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents relating to livable housing design requirements.

Disclosure log number: 24/082/75669

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Application for a Special Prospecting Authority (SPA)

Disclosure log number: 24/081/75559

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents and communications regarding the Incubator Support Initiative Guidelines.

Disclosure log number: 24/080/68715

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents relating to approvals for amendments to the National Radioactive Waste Management Act 2012

Disclosure log number: 24/079/75459M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: correspondence within the Industry Minister’s Office, relating to the ‘Australia Made, Australia Grown’ logo.

Disclosure log number: 24/078/75434

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Ministerial Submissions from DISR Science and Technology Group to Minister for Industry and Science from 1 September 2022 to 31 October 2022.

Disclosure log number: 24/077/75378

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Ministerial Submissions from DISR Science and Technology Group to Minister for Industry and Science from 1 June 2024 to 30 June 2024.

Disclosure log number: 24/076/75562

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents relating to ministerial submissions provided to the Minister resources in relation to a media release of 23 July 2024. 

Disclosure log number: 24/075/75224

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents relating to a Specific Trade Concern with China about coal testing

Disclosure log number: 24/074/75390M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: emails from the company ‘Blackbird’ to any staff member in Minister Husic’s Office from 1 October 2022 to 31 November 2022.

Disclosure log number: 24/073/75279

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Contract awarded to the company contracted to undertake an independent case assessment of complaint material. Contract template used by the department in relation to contracted Commercialisation Advisors. 

Disclosure log number: 24/072/75083

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: performance report in relation to the Victorian Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC) Project 

Disclosure log number: 24/071/75516

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: policies, guidelines, or directives for use women's toilets and other gender-specific facilities in departmental offices 

Disclosure log number: 24/070/75502

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: RIF chat agendas January 2019 January 2020

Disclosure log number: 24/069/74002

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: 26 October 2023 Senate Estimates briefing packs supplied by DISR to its portfolio Ministers.

Disclosure log number: 24/068/75505

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: … RIF chat agendas from Feb 2020 through Jun 2020

Disclosure log number: 24/067/75478

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: … information on backup and archiving policies

Disclosure log number: 24/066/67870

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Briefing document in relation to radioactive waste management

Disclosure log number: 24/065/75380

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: the EPC Terms of Reference from 2017 and the procedures manual for CSMs for the Incubator Support Initiative from 2017.

Disclosure log number: 24/064/75375

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Overview page of the “Geoscience – Employee entitlement calculations” report.

Disclosure log number: 24/063/75257

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Ministerial Submissions from DISR Science and Technology Group to Minister for Industry and Science from 1 June 2022 to 31 August 2022.

Disclosure log number: 24/062/75409

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: I wish to see as much of the 24/009/74310 disclosure log content as possible (currently, everything is redacted under s 22).

Disclosure log number: 24/061/75242M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: briefs provided to Minister Husic in relation to PsiQuantum.

Disclosure log number: 24/060/75343

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Hot Issues Briefing pack covering:

  • Program 1.1: growing innovative and competitive businesses, industries and regions
  • Program 2.2: investing in science and technology

Disclosure log number: 24/059/75154

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Event Brief for Minister Husic’s visit to PsiQuantum in Palo Alto in January 2023.

Disclosure log number: 24/058/75003MO

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents relating to PEP-11.

Disclosure log number: 24/057/75281

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Ministerial Submissions from DISR Science and Technology Group to Minister for Industry and Science from 1 April 2024 to 1 May 2024.

Disclosure log number: 24/056/74779

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Documents relating to Grant ID: GA330218.

Disclosure log number: 24/055/75291

Date of access:

Date of publication:


“… 'RIF chat' agendas like in Disclosure log number 24/037/74760, but for every month from Jan 2019 through Jan 2020 and with no discernible personal / business information”

Disclosure log number: 24/054/75350

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: original and drafts of page 73 (Figure 5.6: East coast prospective onshore gas resources, 2023) and page 74 (Figure 5.7: Australian gas basins, pipelines and LNG facilities) from the "Future Gas Strategy Analytical Report"

Disclosure log number: 24/053/75058

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: documents relating to PEP11, PEP-11 offshore gas project 

NEATS reference Z4NMT2 - 23 January 2020

NEATS reference NDZHVN – 4 February 2021

Specifically communication from (name removed) General Manager Offshore Strategy Branch, Relating to the above to Prime Minister, Prime Minister & Cabinet and Minister for Industry.

reduce the scope date from October 2023 to May 2024

Disclosure log number: 24/052/75136

Date of access:

Date of publication:


Final draft of the National Quantum Strategy

Disclosure log number: 24/051/75027

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Correspondence and other documents between the department and Santos Ltd, NOPSEMA, or the Ministers Office, relating to the outcome of the ‘Barossa’ court case, and to any potential and proposed amendments to the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 or the former Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas (Environment) Regulations 2009.

Disclosure log number: 24/050/74488 part 2

Date of access:

Date of publication:


Per LEX69653 FOI request.

NOPTA documents in relation to Petroleum Exploration Permit-11 (PEP-11) and the recommendations to both state and federal stakeholders.

Specifically the "New 2023 NOPTA Recommendation for exploration Petroleum Exploration Permit-11 (PEP-11) lodged

  • 23/01/20 NEATS reference Z4NMT2 - 23 January 2020"
  • 04/02/21 NEATS reference NDZHVN – 4 February 2021"

Period from 1/1/2020 to 1/5/2020 and 1/2/23 to 31/10/23.

Related to Disclosure Log Number – 24/050/74488 part 1

Disclosure log number: 24/050/74488 part 1

Date of access:

Date of publication:


Per LEX69653 FOI request.

NOPTA documents in relation to Petroleum Exploration Permit-11 (PEP-11) and the recommendations to both state and federal stakeholders.

Specifically the "New 2023 NOPTA Recommendation for exploration Petroleum Exploration Permit-11 (PEP-11) lodged

  • 23/01/20 NEATS reference Z4NMT2 - 23 January 2020"
  • 04/02/21 NEATS reference NDZHVN – 4 February 2021"

Period from 1/1/2020 to 1/5/2020 and 1/2/23 to 31/10/23.

Related to Disclosure Log Number – 24/050/74488 part 2

Disclosure log number: 24/049/74807

Date of access:

Date of publication:


Copies of the following information relating to the Sanitiser pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth): 

  1. all files, email correspondence and any attachments to and from Australian Consumers’ Association (Choice Magazine) in relation to the testing of the Sanitiser; 
  2. all documents, reports, draft reports, and data records relating to the testing of White Knight Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser carried out by the NMI between May 2020 and December 2020

Disclosure log number: 24/048/74544

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  • Any internal policy documents currently relied upon by the Department, or the Board, for the specific purpose of applying section 355.25(2)(b) of the ITA Act in the course of assessing R&D entity registration applications and making findings about R&D entities; and 
  • internal memorandums, Ministerial briefing materials or departmental analysis that are primarily about petroleum industry activities in relation to the R&D Tax Incentive, produced within the last 5 years

Disclosure log number: 24/047/75043

Date of access:

Date of publication:


a copy of all delegations issued to department staff to administer the entrepreneurs' programme (including all elements of the programme) during the time period from 1 Nov 2019 to 1 June 2020.

This should show the powers the department staff had to administer all the elements of the entrepreneurs' programme.

Disclosure log number: 24/046/75026

Date of access:

Date of publication:


The final iteration of the Senate Estimates Briefing Pack, as produced by the department’s Parliamentary Team for the listed people below for their appearance at Senate Estimates on 15 February 2024, excluding duplicates, for the component of the pack that relates to Science (and including but is not limited to Quantum Computing)

  1. the Secretary, 
  2. the Minister (Senator the Hon Tim Ayres, Assistant Minister for Manufacturing, who represented the DISR portfolio at Senate Estimates on the day)
  3. Ms Helen Wilson and 
  4. the Chief Scientist.

Disclosure log number: 24/045/75032

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: The Expression of Interest (EOI) that led to the award of a contract as reported in this ABC article:…

  • PsiQuantum’s response to the EOI.
  • The contract awarded to PsiQuantum

Disclosure log number: 24/044/74740

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Meeting briefs relating to Minister King’s visit to Japan and the Republic of Korea in January-February 2024.

Disclosure log number: 24/043/74724

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Date updated: 21 November 2024


  1. Ministerial submissions, briefings, talking points and other documents provided by DISR to the Joint Authority decision maker that relate to Petroleum Export Permit 11 (PEP-11); from 1 September 2023 to 7 March 2024.
  2. Formal Correspondence that is in the possession of the agency (DISR), (whether created in the agency or received in the agency) sent to the New South Wales Government since 23 May 2023 that relates to PEP-11. (excluded emails, rather communication on letterhead (which may have been sent as an email attachment).

Disclosure log number: 24/042/74882

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: I seek access to documents that explain the nature and costs of the planning day event for Commercialisation Division staff. I understand it was held at the Kambri venue (Building 153) at the Australian National University on 21 November 2023. Please include information on the nature of the event, who attended and itemised bills/invoices that cover the cost of $11,880 reported on Austender. I do not seek access to personal information of non-senior staff.

Disclosure log number: 24/041/74537

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  1. The Contract used to engage Northgate Australia for management advisory services (CN3090872) and amendments to that contract.
  2. Any documents associated with permissions for Northgate Australia (or personnel engaged by the company) to carry out other non-government work during the period of the contract (as amended).

Disclosure log number: 24/040/75007

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: An unredacted version of the documents at Disclosure log number 24/027/74575

Disclosure log number: 24/039/74538

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Date updated: 20 December 2024

Subject: Entrepreneur’s Programme Tender Reports relating to the national commercialisation outcome.

Disclosure log number: 24/038/74272

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: In Q1 of 2023 a review team was established, led by Mr Steve Grzeskowiak, to identify locations in the current of future Defence estate suitable for the storage and disposal of intermediate and high level waste from Australia’s nuclear-powered submarines.

I seek access to correspondence and information shared between the three SES officers at ARWA and the review team during the period 1-30 June 2023, 1-31 October 2023 and 1-30 November 2023, that materially deals with the review of the current or future Defence estate suitable for the storage and disposal of intermediate and high-level waste from Australia’s nuclear-powered submarines

Disclosure log number: 24/037/74760

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Revised publication: 13 June 2024

Subject: Documents with file names containing "RIF CHAT - Nov 19.docx" or "eligibility decision notes.docx".

Disclosure log number: 24/036/74631

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Senate Estimates Hot Issues Briefs for 2013/24 Additional Estimates February 2024 on Program 1.1 Investing in Science, Technology and Commercialisation and Program 1.2 Growing Innovative and Competitive Businesses, Industries and Regions

Disclosure log number: 24/035/Geoscience Australia 74273

Date of access:

Date of publication:


Correspondence between Geoscience Australia and the review team to identify locations in for the storage and disposal of intermediate and high level waste from Australia’s nuclear-powered submarines.

Disclosure log number: 24/034/66232

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  • A copy of the brief provided by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources to the Minister for the purposes of briefing him for the decision on the location for a National Radioactive Waste Management Facility.
  • A copy of the decision and the decision reasoning by the Minister.

Disclosure log number: 24/033/74673

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: the documents I am after are the time of day (the hour and minute) of all email messages sent:

  2. to any one or more of the Incubator Support Programme Management, NAME REMOVED and NAME REMOVED; and
  3. on 24/09/2020, 717/2020, 513/2020 and 16/1/2020.

Please only release the time of day of any such messages, and do not reveal or address anything about the email messages.

Disclosure log number: 24/032/74899M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Correspondence between staff in offices of Ministers with portfolio responsibilities of the Department which includes a reference or commentary about former US President Donald Trump between 1 October 2023 and 25 March 2024.

Disclosure log number: 24/031/74766

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Revised publication: 1 May 2024

Internal Review of FOI 24/019/74543:

“the release of DISR and NOPTA documents that indicate whom Joint Authority decision maker is for the PEP-11 gas permit.

Specifically the decision maker for exploration Petroleum Exploration Permit-11 (PEP-11) lodged

23/01/20 NEATS reference Z4NMT2 - 23 January 2020"

04/02/21 NEATS reference NDZHVN – 4 February 2021"

Further information – The revised document has been published as a result of an Internal Review by the Department, the outcome of which determined that no additional information should be released.

Disclosure log number: 24/030/74096

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Policy briefings addressing “consultation” and/or “reforms” in relation to the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (Cth) and regulations between September 2022 and and 13 November 2023.

Letters and emails, including attachments, from oil and gas industry bodies and companies, related to consultation processes under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (Cth) and regulations between September 2022 and 13 November 2023.

Disclosure log number: 24/029/74411

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  • Any emails or other communications directed at all staff about either the Royal Commission on the Robo-debt Scheme (‘the Royal Commission’), or the government response to the Royal Commission
  • Any emails or other communications directed at all SES staff about the Royal Commission on the Robo-debt Scheme, or the government response to the Royal Commission
  • Any brief prepared for Senate estimates in October 2023 relating to how the agency was responding to the Royal Commission or the government response to the Royal Commission
  • Any brief, agenda paper, submission to the agency’s executive leadership group/senior leadership group about how the agency was responding to the Royal Commission or implementing the government response to the Royal Commission
  • Any document relating to changing training modules/induction, to incorporate information about the Royal Commission or the government response to the Royal Commission.

Disclosure log number: 24/028/74674

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: I request the final draft of the National Quantum Strategy provided to the federal government by Australia's chief scientist in December 2022.

Disclosure log number: 24/027/74575

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: a copy of all delegations of Public Service Act powers to the 3 most recent heads of AusIndustry. This should show the powers these SES employees had under the public service act during their respective times as heads of AusIndustry (whether acting or otherwise).

Disclosure log number: 24/026/74574

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  1. Information relating to how DISR recognises an employees prior service and their subsequent long service entitlement when the calculation under the LSL Act 1976, results in a negative number or negative credit.
  2. Information on allowing an employee not to have their prior service recognised if the calculation under s.18 of the LSL Act results in a negative number.

To assist you in under standing the information I am seeking, I have attached a copy of how the Defence Department Public treat Q1 and how the ATO treat Q2.

  1. Please provide information listing the Commonwealth Agencies which you provide shared HR services for and what advice you provide them in relation to points 1 & 2.

Disclosure log number: 24/025/74500M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: The ministerial briefing pack provided to the Minister in relation to her visit to Japan and the Republic of Korea in January-February 2024 insofar as the pack goes to:

  1. The official meeting program.
  2. Objective/purpose of the trip.

Disclosure log number: 24/024/74556

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Emails/correspondence from the Department of Industry to Robern Menz/Menz Confectionary regarding Manufacturing Modernisation Fund grant, 01 September 2023 – 13 February 2024.

Disclosure log number: 24/023/74683AMO

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Any documents, or correspondence (including attachments) relating to the appointment of NAME REMOVED to the Rail Industry Innovation Council between Assistant Minister for Manufacturing’s Office and between the Minister for Industry’s Office and NAME REMOVED between 1 May 2023 and 28 June 2023.

Disclosure log number: 24/022/74502

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Date updated: 5 April 2024


  • All correspondence and attachments within the Department of Industry and between the Department and the Minister for Industry’s office that directly relate to the update made to the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation website on 23 Jan 2024
  • Please include any tasking emails and draft website changes to the Department and to the NRFC. Please include any feedback provided by the Department, the Minister’s office or the NRFC

Disclosure log number: 24/021/74630

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: 1) An expression of interest document sent to quantum computing companies in August 2023 relating to the acquisition of a quantum computer from the Technology and Digital Division or the Technology Investment Taskforce.

2) Any correspondence between quantum technology companies and the Technology and Digital Division, the Technology Investment Taskforce, and the Office of the Chief Scientist between June 2023 to November 2023 relating to an expression of interest process on quantum computers.

Disclosure log number: 24/020/74584

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: NCC enquiries that have been logged through the webpage portal

Disclosure log number: 24/019/74543

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: … the release of DISR and NOPTA documents that indicate whom Joint Authority decision maker is for the PEP-11 gas permit.

Specifically the decision maker for exploration Petroleum Exploration Permit-11 (PEP-11) lodged

  • 23/01/20 NEATS reference Z4NMT2 - 23 January 2020"
  • 04/02/21 NEATS reference NDZHVN – 4 February 2021"

Disclosure log number: 24/018/74394

Date of access:

Date of publication:


 Additionally, can I make the same request 73831 again, by limiting it to .doc and .docx (Microsoft word) files only? 

We note that final scope for LEX 73831 as: 

“I note the attached email chain from your disclosure log 67939. Please take the surname of whoever wrote the email that says 'without prejudice' to be Keyword 1. 

I also note the attached spreadsheets that were generated for my request 72280. These spreadsheets are reports on some kind of documents on dochub with a long phrase redacted with "s47G(1)(a)". Please take the first word of that phrase to be Keyword 2. 

Please generate the same kind of reports (as were generated for my request 72280) on documents that were created between 1 Dec 2019 and 1 Apr 2020 with a file name containing Keyword 1 or Keyword 2 or both keywords. 

To generate the reports, please order the rows by User Login, then Timestamp (like in the attached image), and please only show the first comment per User Login per report (in the report's comments column) by redacting all subsequent comments. 

Please also redact any personal information and business information caught in the reports. 

Lastly, please don't report on the documents that were already reported on for my requests 72280 and 73685. These are already perfe

Disclosure log number: 24/017/74501

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: I am also writing to request disclosure of any correspondence, documents and reports between GA and the PSSap trustee regarding any matters related to clause 29 of the EA, in the same time frame, from April 1 2021 to now.

I believe the majority of correspondence, documents and reports I have requested should have been filed in the electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) or with the records management unit if not in electronic form.

Disclosure log number: 24/016/74390

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Any correspondence between the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation and the Department of Industry that includes any summary of proposals for funding the Corporation has received to date. This should include any attachments or documentation. 

Any correspondence between the Department of Industry and the Minister for Industry’s Office that includes any summary of proposals for funding the Corporation has received to date. This should include any attachments or documentation.

Disclosure log number: 24/015/73870

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: I am seeking a copy of the finalised itinerary for each trip undertaken by the Minister, key-messages for the trip (if any) and any draft itineraries for future travel by the Minister.

Disclosure log number: 24/014/74260M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: any correspondence within the Minister for Industry’s office that references “Palestine” or “Palestinians” or “Hamas”.

Disclosure log number: 24/013/74199

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: All briefs prepared for Minister Ed Husic's office or Minister Katy Gallagher's office regarding the publication of the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation’s Investment Mandate.

Disclosure log number: 24/012/74100M

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: All emails, briefs and memos sent or received by the Industry Minister's office which reference the appointment or potential appointment of NAME REMOVED to the National Reconstruction Fund board.

Disclosure log number: 24/011/74088

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Meeting minutes, letters and emails (including attachments) between oil and gas industry bodies or companies and the Minister regarding relevant persons consultation or proposing changes to related regulations of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (Cth) or as part of reforms to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 or any other legislation as part of the Australian Government's response to the Samuel Review and the implementation of the Nature Positive Plan between September 2022 and 13 November 2023

Disclosure log number: 24/010/74268

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Department of Industry, Science and Resources and The Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme Board Incorporated (ADAS) as stated on their website

Disclosure log number: 24/009/74310

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject:  Documents that were requested for application LEX 71514 (and are shorter than 10 pages) redacted at the paragraph level with no visible words.

Disclosure log number: 24/008/74309

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: The briefing index provided to Ministers by the department for the most recent Senate Estimates period.

Disclosure log number: 24/007/73901

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Any ministerial briefs/submission that discusses the disposal of AUKUS submarine operational nuclear waste or spend reactor fuel. Any communication between the Department and the Australian Submarine Agency that relate to the future disposal of AUKUS submarine operational nuclear waste or spent reactor fuel.

The 14 briefs/submission documents as advised on 23 November 2023, as containing the words AUKUS or Submarine in the title.

Disclosure log number: 24/006/73796

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: I am writing to request disclosure of any correspondence, documents and reports between GA and the fair work ombudsman dealing with shift work matters defined in clause 33, clause 17, clause 28, clause 29 and clause 44 of the GA enterprise agreement 2019-2022, the current agreement, since April 1 2021.

I am also writing to request disclosure of any correspondence, documents and reports between GA and the PSSap trustee regarding any matters related to clause 29 of the EA, in the same time frame, from April 1 2021 to now.

I believe the majority of correspondence, documents and reports I have requested should have been filed in the electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) or with the records management unit if not in electronic form.

Disclosure log number: 24/005/74187

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: Records created within DISR that relate to climate change protests at the port of Newcastle in November 2023

Disclosure log number: 24/004/73185

Date of access:

Date of publication:


  1. Copies of any preliminary correspondence received by the department or the minister from Turbine Sunshine Coast Pty Ltd, the Sunshine Coast Food and Agribusiness Network (FAN), their representatives, the Sunshine Coast Council or Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien, concerning an application for a Manufacturing Translation Stream grant or any other grant for a beverage cluster/hub on the Sunshine Coast.
  2. Copies of all applications and draft applications received for this Manufacturing Translation Stream grant – food and beverage, including that made by Turbine Sunshine Coast Pty Ltd, including draft applications.
  3. Copies of all supporting documents and attachments for the successful application and another any draft application for the Manufacturing Translation Stream grant made by Turbine Sunshine Coast for this grant, including the accountant’s statement/s,
  4. Copies of the grant agreement and other documents generated by the approval of this grant to Turbine Sunshine Coast Pty Ltd, as well as any drafts of the agreement and documents.
  5. Correspondence, notes and emails by, to and from those assessing the Turbine Sunshine Coast Pty Ltd in relation to its application for a Manufacturing Translations Streams grant and its approval
  6. Correspondence, notes and emails by, to and from those approving the Manufacturing Translation Stream grant to Turbine Sunshine Coast in relation to the application and its approval.
  7. A breakdown of total grant funding available under the Manufacturing Translation Stream for each of the various manufacturing priorities, eg defence, food and beverage, etc.
  8. Information on the closing date for grant applications for each of the above priorities and how they closing date was determined.

Disclosure log number: 24/003/73945

Date of access:

Date of publication:


This application is made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 seeking access to email/correspondence between [name removed], during her tenure as:

  • General Manager, Offshore Resources Branch, 
  • Lead Negotiator, Timor Treaty Implementation, 
  • General Manager Timor Sea Development, or
  • Head, Northern Endeavour Task Force.

To others within the Department, with NOPTA or with NOPSEMA regarding the FPSO ‘Montara Venture’ over the period 1 January 2017 to 30 August 2019.

Disclosure log number: 24/002/74256

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: I request a complete list of all the natural account codes from the FMIS and descriptions of each of these codes and a copy of the Grants and GST Fact Sheet.

The information currency and document versions that are the subject of this FOI request are those held by DISR at August 2021.

Disclosure log number: 24/001/73630

Date of access:

Date of publication:

Subject: I am seeking copies of any correspondence referencing Scale Facilitation, Recharge Industries and/or SaniteX Global between the Department of Industry, Science and Resources and Industry Minister Ed Husic and/or his office, including but not limited to emails and text messages. The time period for this request is 1 June 2022 to 16 August 2023.

I am seeking copies of any correspondence referencing Scale Facilitation, Recharge Industries and/or SaniteX Global between the Department of Industry, Science and Resources and Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles and/or his office, including but not limited to emails and text messages. The time period for this request is 1 June 2022 to 16 August 2023.

Disclosure log number: 21/084/67625

Date of access:

Date of publication:

I seek access to the following documents from the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, between the timeframe of 1 January 2020 – 31 November 2020:

Any documents (including correspondence) referring to potential funding by the State Bank of India to Adani Group companies, the Carmichael coal mine, related infrastructure, or suppliers. 

Any records of meetings with representatives of Adani Group and/or the State Bank of India.

Please note original decision was made in 2021 however publication was not made until 19 March 2024