We measure electromagnetic radiation, calibrate optical standards and deliver research, advice and training.
Our measurement work spans the ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectral regions.
From our Lindfield laboratory we deliver services to Australian laboratories, universities, government and industry. This is the same facility where we develop and maintain Australia’s primary standard for optical measurements. We can also deliver some services on-site at our clients’ facilities around Australia. Our laboratory is accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA).
Our client services include:
- calibrating and testing reference radiometry measuring instruments, sources and standards
- consultancy services, including research and development, precision measurement and advice
- training courses in instrument calibration and optical measurement.
Radiometric calibration and testing services
We calibrate instruments, artefacts and reference materials used as measurement standards for electromagnetic radiation. This includes reference standards used by NATA-accredited laboratories to calibrate their clients’ radiometric instruments.
Measurements made with instruments and reference standards that we calibrate provide results traceable to Australia's primary standards for optical measurement for optical measurement. Results from our radiometric calibration and testing services are recognised internationally via the Comité International des Poids et Mesures (CIPM) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA). The Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) maintains the CIPM MRA.
Radiometry instruments, standards and sources we calibrate
- optical spectrum analysers
- interferometers
- spectroradiometers
- array spectrometers
- luminance and illuminance meters
- bilirubin meters
- radiometers (infrared, ultraviolet, blue light and filter)
- UVA, UVB and UVC meters
- light meters
- luxmeters
- photometers and photometric detectors
- laser energy and laser power meters
- photodiodes
- thermal detectors and thermopiles
- integrating sphere sources
- luminance standard sources
- spectral irradiance and spectral radiance standard sources
- broadband sources (including blackbodies)
- lamps, including incandescent lamps and LED sources.
Radiometric measurement determinants
We can determine, measure and test standards, instruments and sources for:
- wavelength
- luminance
- illuminance
- irradiance
- linearity
- responsivity
- cosine correction
- spectral radiant flux and spectral irradiance
- broadband irradiance
- distribution temperature
- radiant power (laser line sources)
- luminous intensity and luminous flux
- correlated colour temperature
- chromaticity
- eye-safety according to relevant documentary standards.
Optical characteristics of manufactured products and documentary standards
Our laboratory can analyse the optical characteristics of some manufactured goods. This includes testing to documentary standards for the:
- safety of laser products (AS/NZS IEC60825)
- photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems (AS/NZS IED 62471).
We can evaluate optical systems, consumer lighting and industrial lighting for:
- colour
- distribution of luminous intensity
- luminance
- energy
- power.
Radiometry calibration and testing capabilities
Our uncertainty capabilities are the lowest available in Australia and among the lowest in the world.
Our results provide traceability to the national standards for optical measurement and, where necessary as part of optical measurements, to the national standards for frequency, electric voltage and resistance. This provides traceability to the international system of units (SI) base units for:
- photometric quantities (the candela, lumen and lux)
- electrical quantities (the volt ohm and watt)
- time and frequency (the second and hertz).
We publish our capability data through the BIPM’s Key Comparison Database (KCDB) and NATA:
Indicative calibration costs
We offer premium radiometry calibration and testing services. This suits clients who have a regulatory or ethical responsibility to have the highest accuracy possible. It also suits clients with legal or commercial motivations, including those with products that must meet documentary standards.
NATA accredited laboratories can provide results directly traceable to the national standards. They can deliver results with uncertainties that meet the needs of most clients in Australia at more competitive rates.